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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
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feverish state.
    Wil let himself into the cabin, not seeing Netty. Softly, he knocked at her bedroom door. No answer.
    “Netty,” he called softly, “Please let me in. I think we better talk about this.” Slowly, the door cracked open and Netty swept into the room. Her eyes darted around, seeing nothing. She paced frantically around the kitchen until Wil grabbed her by the arms and sat her down. He could feel her trembling though her shawl.
    “Netty, what happened? How can this be? Maggie’s leg is healed. It looks like it was never broken. Netty, please talk to me.”
    “I’m sorry Wil.” Netty chewed frantically on her lip. “I don’t know what to say.”
    “What do you mean, you don’t know what to say,” he shouted. “Why don’t you start with that creature? What is it? Can it hurt you? Where did you get it?”
    Netty remained silent as Wil stood over her, spouting questions. She could sense his effort to keep his anger in check, but for how long? She knew an explanation about Baby must be proffered but she didn’t know where or how to start. How would he understand? Would he keep my secret?
    As Netty’s thoughts whirled, Wil got down on his knees in front of her, taking her in his arms. “Netty, sweetheart, it’s all right, we will work this out. Stop trembling now. We can figure this out together.” Netty, so surprised by his tenderness, started to cry. She might be older than Wil but she felt a kind of strength in him that she only felt from her real papa, Mr. Woods. Between sobs, she told Wil the long story of her marriage betrayal, the isolation and rapes, the stolen gold coin, the discovery of her inheritance and of course, Baby. When she finished, she dried her tears, exhausted. Wil rose, putting the kettle on for tea. Placing a cup in front of her, he sat down with a cup for himself, letting it cool. Netty did not look up for fear of seeing condemnation in his eyes. No one said a word.
    From the bedroom came a sound. They both looked to the bedroom door as it slowly opened. Out came Baby, shuffling and wobbling across the rug till he stood on front of Netty. He clambered up her skirt, taking his place on her lap. She softly stroked his golden fur as Wil stared.
    “Is this creature your pet, Netty?” Wil’s voice remained low, his tone soft and respectful, yet laced with incredulity. He suddenly felt a pressure in his head and saw pinpricks of rainbow lights, an aura in the back of his head making him dizzy.
    “I am Brother,” came a soft whisper. Wil looked directly at Baby in shock. Netty left out this piece of information, just too unbelievable. “I am Elder now. Sister will be Elder soon,” the whisper continued.
    “He thinks you are his sister? That is him talking to me, isn’t it? Can you hear him talking to me?” Netty cast her eyes down on Baby.
    “He talks to me when he wants. I don’t hear what he says to you unless he wants me to. But Wil, what are you going to do?”
    “Do about what, Netty? Oh, you mean Baby? Well, you clearly love him, he appears to be harmless, I think, that is. Oh, gosh, Netty, I don’t know, there is nothing I can do anyway. What could I do? He saved Maggie. He did good things for you. I would never do anything that would hurt you.” Jumping to her feet with Baby in her arms, she ran to Wil. She crushed him in an embrace, forcing Wil to circle his arms around them both.
    “Oh, thank you, thank you, Wil. You can stay now! I was so worried about you accidentally discovering Baby and not understanding, that I thought I must send you away, even though my heart rebelled. Please, you will stay now, won’t you? I know you will be a huge asset to the farm.”
    “Just an asset to the farm, Netty?” Wil’s eyes and mouth smiled at her, a question hanging in the air, unanswered. Netty lowered her lips to give him her answer.

Chapter 5
    Baby lay curled on the rug in front of the fireplace. He watched as Sister and Brother ate dinner together. He could feel emotion in the air. What a strange day. Sister’s agitation became pronounced during the last few days. As soon as he discovered the source—Brother—he decided to reveal himself. Baby did not care for disrupted harmony. He sensed goodness in Brother, just as he had in Sister. He could not afford to have the disharmony around Sister. She was changing. She would soon be an Elder, with all the responsibility that it entailed. She needed his guidance, for it would change her life

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