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Baltimore 03 - Did You Miss Me?

Baltimore 03 - Did You Miss Me?

Titel: Baltimore 03 - Did You Miss Me? Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Karen Rose
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supposed to stop by after her date tonight. I need her advice.’
    His father handed him his Scotch, then settled in the other chair. ‘About women or killers?’
    ‘Killers. I’m okay on the women.’
    ‘Bleach my eyes,’ his father said, mimicking Daphne’s drawl. ‘I am so glad you finally made your move, Joseph. I was ready to draw you a damn diagram. What took you so long, anyway?’
    ‘I thought she was taken.’
    ‘By whom?’
    ‘Hell, Joseph. Clay Maynard’s all sloppy-eyed over Stevie Mazzetti.’
    Joseph stared at his father. ‘How do you know all this?’
    ‘Because I listen when the ladies come over for “major mojitos”.’
    ‘What the hell is that?’
    ‘Girl time. Paige apparently started it with Daphne, and before I knew it Zoe and your mother and Holly and Lisa and Judy were card-carrying members of the major mojito club. Daphne’s mother and Maggie come too, and sometimes Stevie. Not often. Her sister Izzy comes occasionally. But whoever comes, they talk and talk and watch sappy movies and do their nails.’ He shook his head. ‘Your mother absolutely loves it. They gossip and I listen and learn all kinds of stuff.’
    ‘They just let you hang around and listen?’
    ‘Who do you think makes the mojitos? I’ve become a damned good bartender. I can even make chocolate martinis.’ His father grinned, then it faded to a wistful smile. ‘Your mother and I don’t pry in our kids’ lives. Not a lot anyway. But we know how unhappy you’ve been, Joseph. We want you to have a life as good as the one we have. I want you to have someone to grow old with and embarrass your children with when they catch you in compromising positions.’
    Joseph’s throat closed. ‘I would love to have what you have, Dad.’
    His father’s swallow was audible. ‘You know, I’ve been worried all day about Ford. He’s such a good kid and I can’t stand the thought that he could be hurt or worse. Your mother came in here tonight and found me staring at the fire. She sat in my lap to comfort me. It just kind of . . . got better from there.’ He was quiet for a long moment. ‘After all these years she still knows what I need before I do. If you can find one tenth of what your mother and I have, you’ll be a lucky man. And I will be the world’s happiest father.’
    The flames got blurry as Joseph’s eyes filled. When he could finally clear his throat he whispered, ‘What if I can’t find him for her, Dad?’
    ‘You’ll cross that bridge when you get there, Joseph. I never said it would be easy.’
    His father hadn’t spouted empty promises and Joseph appreciated that. ‘Worthwhile things never are,’ he said quietly.
    ‘That’s bullshit,’ his father declared. ‘Whoever said that was full of it.’
    Joseph’s mouth curved. ‘ You said that to me when I was in high school.’
    ‘I did? Huh. Well. It’s not true. Sometimes the most worthwhile things are right in front of our eyes. We just make them hard because we think that gives them more value. You make things too difficult, Joseph. It doesn’t have to be hard.’ His father stood up, clapped his hands together. ‘Are you hungry?’
    ‘Yes. Yes, I am. I haven’t eaten all day.’
    ‘Then come with me. I’ll make you some food.’
    West Virginia, Tuesday, December 3, 11.50 A.M.
    One foot . In front of the other . Head down against the wind, Ford forced his frozen feet to trudge upward. Just a few more steps to reach the top of the hill.
    How many hills had he climbed? Fifty? Sixty? A hundred? So tired .
    No longer did he think of saving Kim with every beat of his heart. He’d been reduced to a single word, pounding in his head—
    Frostbite . Frostbite . Frostbite . Every time his foot thundered into the snow, pain sliced up his legs. I’m going to lose my feet . God, please . Let somebody find me . Please . Before it’s too late .
    The ground under his feet leveled. He’d reached the top of the hill. He was afraid to look. He’d been disappointed too many times.
    Please . A house . Anything . Just let me see light . Gritting his teeth, he forced his chin to lift until he could see the world before him.
    ‘No,’ he moaned. All he could see was shades of dark. No lights. No houses. Just trees. More road. And the next hill.
    Fuck it! Fury rushed up, momentarily energizing him, and the next thing he knew his backpack was flying through the air, landing twenty feet away.
    His shoulders sagged as the fit

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