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Complete Works

Complete Works

Titel: Complete Works Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joseph Conrad
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tongue.  His jet-black, curly hair had turned iron-gray; he was scrupulously neat as ever, but frightfully threadbare.  His shiny boots were worn down at heel.  But he forgave me, and we drove off together in a hansom to dine on board my ship.  He went over her conscientiously, praised her heartily, congratulated me on my command with absolute sincerity.  At dinner, as I offered him wine and beer he shook his head, and as I sat looking at him interrogatively, muttered in an undertone:
    “I’ve given up all that.”
    After dinner we came again on deck.  It seemed as though he could not tear himself away from the ship.  We were fitting some new lower rigging, and he hung about, approving, suggesting, giving me advice in his old manner.  Twice he addressed me as “My boy,” and corrected himself quickly to “Captain.”  My mate was about to leave me (to get married), but I concealed the fact from Mr. B-.  I was afraid he would ask me to give him the berth in some ghastly jocular hint that I could not refuse to take.  I was afraid.  It would have been impossible.  I could not have given orders to Mr. B-, and I am sure he would not have taken them from me very long.  He could not have managed that, though he had managed to break himself from drink — too late.
    He said good-bye at last.  As I watched his burly, bull-necked figure walk away up the street, I wondered with a sinking heart whether he had much more than the price of a night’s lodging in his pocket.  And I understood that if that very minute I were to call out after him, he would not even turn his head.  He, too, is no more than a shadow, but I seem to hear his words spoken on the moonlit deck of the old Duke — :
    “Ports are no good — ships rot, men go to the devil!”

    “Ships!” exclaimed an elderly seaman in clean shore togs.  “Ships” — and his keen glance, turning away from my face, ran along the vista of magnificent figure-heads that in the late seventies used to overhang in a serried rank the muddy pavement by the side of the New South Dock — ”ships are all right; it’s the men in ‘em. . .”
    Fifty hulls, at least, moulded on lines of beauty and speed — hulls of wood, of iron, expressing in their forms the highest achievement of modern ship-building — lay moored all in a row, stem to quay, as if assembled there for an exhibition, not of a great industry, but of a great art.  Their colours were gray, black, dark green, with a narrow strip of yellow moulding defining their sheer, or with a row of painted ports decking in warlike decoration their robust flanks of cargo-carriers that would know no triumph but of speed in carrying a burden, no glory other than of a long service, no victory but that of an endless, obscure contest with the sea.  The great empty hulls with swept holds, just out of dry-dock, with their paint glistening freshly, sat high-sided with ponderous dignity alongside the wooden jetties, looking more like unmovable buildings than things meant to go afloat; others, half loaded, far on the way to recover the true sea-physiognomy of a ship brought down to her load-line, looked more accessible.  Their less steeply slanting gangways seemed to invite the strolling sailors in search of a berth to walk on board and try “for a chance” with the chief mate, the guardian of a ship’s efficiency.  As if anxious to remain unperceived amongst their overtopping sisters, two or three “finished” ships floated low, with an air of straining at the leash of their level headfasts, exposing to view their cleared decks and covered hatches, prepared to drop stern first out of the labouring ranks, displaying the true comeliness of form which only her proper sea-trim gives to a ship.  And for a good quarter of a mile, from the dockyard gate to the farthest corner, where the old housed-in hulk, the President (drill-ship, then, of the Naval Reserve), used to lie with her frigate side rubbing against the stone of the quay, above all these hulls, ready and unready, a hundred and fifty lofty masts, more or less, held out the web of their rigging like an immense net, in whose close mesh, black against the sky, the heavy yards seemed to be entangled and suspended.
    It was a sight.  The humblest craft that floats makes its appeal to a seaman by the faithfulness of her life; and this was the place where one beheld the aristocracy of ships.  It was a noble gathering of the fairest and the

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