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Complete Works

Complete Works

Titel: Complete Works Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joseph Conrad
Vom Netzwerk:
with any officer who had served under Nelson “without hearing the heartiest expressions of attachment to his person and admiration of his frank and conciliatory manner to his subordinates.”  And Sir Robert Stopford, who commanded one of the ships with which Nelson chased to the West Indies a fleet nearly double in number, says in a letter: “We are half-starved and otherwise inconvenienced by being so long out of port, but our reward is that we are with Nelson.”
    This heroic spirit of daring and endurance, in which all public and private differences were sunk throughout the whole fleet, is Lord Nelson’s great legacy, triply sealed by the victorious impress of the Nile, Copenhagen, and Trafalgar.  This is a legacy whose value the changes of time cannot affect.  The men and the ships he knew how to lead lovingly to the work of courage and the reward of glory have passed away, but Nelson’s uplifting touch remains in the standard of achievement he has set for all time.  The principles of strategy may be immutable.  It is certain they have been, and shall be again, disregarded from timidity, from blindness, through infirmity of purpose.  The tactics of great captains on land and sea can be infinitely discussed.  The first object of tactics is to close with the adversary on terms of the greatest possible advantage; yet no hard-and-fast rules can be drawn from experience, for this capital reason, amongst others — that the quality of the adversary is a variable element in the problem.  The tactics of Lord Nelson have been amply discussed, with much pride and some profit.  And yet, truly, they are already of but archaic interest.  A very few years more and the hazardous difficulties of handling a fleet under canvas shall have passed beyond the conception of seamen who hold in trust for their country Lord Nelson’s legacy of heroic spirit.  The change in the character of the ships is too great and too radical.  It is good and proper to study the acts of great men with thoughtful reverence, but already the precise intention of Lord Nelson’s famous memorandum seems to lie under that veil which Time throws over the clearest conceptions of every great art.  It must not be forgotten that this was the first time when Nelson, commanding in chief, had his opponents under way — the first time and the last.  Had he lived, had there been other fleets left to oppose him, we would, perhaps, have learned something more of his greatness as a sea officer.  Nothing could have been added to his greatness as a leader.  All that can be affirmed is, that on no other day of his short and glorious career was Lord Nelson more splendidly true to his genius and to his country’s fortune.

    And yet the fact remains that, had the wind failed and the fleet lost steerage way, or, worse still, had it been taken aback from the eastward, with its leaders within short range of the enemy’s guns, nothing, it seems, could have saved the headmost ships from capture or destruction.  No skill of a great sea officer would have availed in such a contingency.  Lord Nelson was more than that, and his genius would have remained undiminished by defeat.  But obviously tactics, which are so much at the mercy of irremediable accident, must seem to a modern seaman a poor matter of study.  The Commander-in-Chief in the great fleet action that will take its place next to the Battle of Trafalgar in the history of the British navy will have no such anxiety, and will feel the weight of no such dependence.  For a hundred years now no British fleet has engaged the enemy in line of battle.  A hundred years is a long time, but the difference of modern conditions is enormous.  The gulf is great.  Had the last great fight of the English navy been that of the First of June, for instance, had there been no Nelson’s victories, it would have been wellnigh impassable.  The great Admiral’s slight and passion-worn figure stands at the parting of the ways.  He had the audacity of genius, and a prophetic inspiration.
    The modern naval man must feel that the time has come for the tactical practice of the great sea officers of the past to be laid by in the temple of august memories.  The fleet tactics of the sailing days have been governed by two points: the deadly nature of a raking fire, and the dread, natural to a commander dependent upon the winds, to find at some crucial moment part of his fleet thrown hopelessly to

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