Deathstalker 03 - Deathstalker War
them. So new to life, how could they really understand death? When they saw their status, their feelings were hurt, and they lashed out, like angry children, like puppies that don't know teeth can hurt.
Afterward, when they saw what they had done, it drove many of them insane with guilt and horror.
"When I saw the death of their childhood and the betrayal of innocence in the name of war, I was horrified and sickened. For the first time, the numbers I'd dealt with so casually became real. For the first time, I cared. So I went out into the world of toys and walked among them, one human, alone and unarmed, bringing them a truth that they had never suspected. That they were the children now. I became Santa Claus, because it was an image they could all understand, and I told them of the horrors of war, and where it led, as only I could. They heard the truth and the guilt in my voice, and they believed. I wanted so
desperately to save them from the horror of what I had become, and they could sense that, too.
"I acquired disciples and followers, and many enemies. Toys who daren't believe me, because of what they had done and continued to do in Shub's name. Because my truth would mean they had made themselves into murderers and butchers for no good reason; and they would rather fight a war that had no end than believe that. So I brought my people here, into the Forest, a place intended for forgiveness and rebirth, and sent my disciples out to carry my truth to the world of toys.
"As always, the message became scrambled as it passed from mouth to mouth. I became the Red Man, my followers became an army, and my message of peace became a threat to the world. But the truth is a hardy beast, and it persisted, bringing toys here to hear it for themselves. Slipping away from both sides in ones and twos, they came here for peace and absolution, and I did my best to give it to them.
"They are the true children of Shannon's World, and I am their Father Christmas.
Who knows what they might become, when they have grown into adults?"
"All this time and all this way, I've been following the wrong story," said Toby. "I should have known."
"What are you going to do when the Empress finally loses her patience and sends an army down here to bring you back?" said Evangeline. "Your followers are impressive, but they wouldn't last that long against Imperial shock troops. You of all people should know that. If you were to come back with us, to the rebellion, we could hide you, protect you…"
She trailed off. Harker was shaking his head firmly. "No. I'll never leave. I'm
needed here, and I have so much to atone for. If an army ever comes, a rumor will cross the world of toys that I am dead. There'll even be a very convincing body to back it up. Eventually the information in my head will become obsolete, and then no one will care about me anymore."
"I can't help noticing that none of your people have lowered any of their weapons yet," said Finlay. "Are they always this protective?"
"Mostly," said Harker. "They worship me, though I have asked them not to. I suppose it's only to be expected. I preach to them, tell them stories, try to bring them up to be all that they can be. They have enormous potential. Don't you find it staggering, that so many of them rejected the Shub programming on their own, without outside help or persuasion? Even though they were really only newly born children, they still knew right from wrong, the sanctity of life and the horror of murder. They knew that all that lives is holy."
"All that lives is holy." The rumbled chorus came from all around them, like a litany.
Halloweenie leaned forward in his chair. "Are you really Santa Claus?"
Harker smiled. "I am, if anyone is. Would you like to stay here with me, with us?"
"Oh yes," said Halloweenie. "I thought the Forest was frightening at first, but it isn't, not really. I could be a Boy here, couldn't I? A real Boy."
"Of course," said Harker. "You always were."
"What will happen to the toys eventually?" said Julian. "When they've given up their fear, and become… adults?"
"I don't know," said Harker. "These are the first independent AI minds since Shub. They might become as human as us. Or, given the state of Humanity these days, they might not settle for so little. Perhaps the creations will outdo
their creators."
"That could be… dangerous," said Giles.
"Stop thinking about Shub," said Harker. "Things are different here. Besides, the toys are
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