Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy
for all it was worth."
"But did you believe it?" said Finn. "Have you ever believed what the Church teaches?"
"No," said Angelo. "Not for one moment. It was just something I could use, to push people in the right direction. Don't get me wrong; I want access to the Maze. People have to transcend, to become more than they are. Because they aren't worth shit right now. The Maze could uplift Humanity by its bootstraps, make it something better."
"The first ten thousand people to go through died or went horribly insane . . ." Finn pointed out.
"A hundred thousand would be worth it, to put an end to the madness." Angelo's voice was very cold and very sure. "I've seen too many deaths . . . too many people I couldn't save. I was on the point of quitting as a negotiator, when the Church showed me a way out. A way to put an end to the evils in man, once and for all. The Maze ... is our redemption."
"You'll never be allowed anywhere near the Maze, as things stand," said Finn. "You might be the Empire's official religion, but that doesn't really mean anything where the things that matter are decided. I can change that."
Angelo sat back in his chair, and looked thoughtfully at Finn. "If you'd betray your King, a man who was your friend and partner for ten years; what's to stop you betraying me? Why should I trust you?"
"Because it's in our interests to work together, to achieve what we can't bring about separately. And Douglas was never my friend."
"Then we're partners," said Angelo. "Very secretly, of course. And never make the mistake of thinking that your personal needs will be allowed to interfere with those of the Church."
"Of course not," said Finn.
They spoke some more, but it was just pleasantries, and soon it was time for Finn and his people to leave. Brett stuffed a last few cakes and delicacies into his pockets, but kept his hands away from the silverware and the objets d'art. He knew Finn was watching, even if Angelo wasn't. Brett felt strangely vindicated. He'd never trusted peacekeepers, priests, or Angelo Bellini, and it seemed he'd been right about all three. Once Finn and company were safely outside, with the doors of the Church politely but firmly closed behind them, Brett looked seriously at Finn.
"So much for the Saint of Madraguda. Have you any intention of delivering what you promised him?"
"I don't know," said Finn. "It might be amusing . . ."
"You can con him," said Brett, "but will he stay conned?"
"He'll con himself," said Finn. "He wants this so badly, he'll talk himself into doing whatever I tell him it takes. And soon he'll be in so deep he won't be able to walk away . . . Come children; we've made a good start today. Now Daddy has to go home and do some serious plotting."
"When do I get to kill someone?" said Rose. She might have been inquiring about the weather.
"Soon," said Finn. "Very soon."
Backstage at Parliament, in Anne Barclay's private security room, Douglas, Lewis, Jesamine, and Anne were winding down after a long and incident-filled first day in the House. Douglas snatched off his Crown the moment the door closed behind him, and slammed it down on the first available surface. Lewis cracked open his leather armor so his chest could get some air, and sprawled out in the nearest chair.
Jesamine poured herself a large mug of coffee from the waiting pot, and drank half of it down in several quick gulps. Anne looked at them sardonically from her chair before the monitor screens.
"You're acting like you've just been through a battle." "Bloody well feels like it," growled Douglas, sinking slowly into a chair. 'Tell me it gets easier from now on."
"Well I will if you like, but you know I never feel comfortable lying to my friends. Settle for this; you made a good start. You established yourself as the voice of reason, showed you had a good grasp of the political process, and made it very clear you weren't going to be intimidated by the House or the issues.
Just the kind of Speaker that Parliament needs, whether they like to admit it or not. And the bomber made you look really good. You didn't panic, put your life on the line to protect innocents, looked out for Jesamine . . . and Lewis took the little creep out like the professional he is. Nice one, Lewis."
"Yeah," said Douglas. "You got some action today after all, Champion."
Lewis sniffed. "You keep on pissing off heavy-duty bastards like that, and I'm going to need better weaponry. How about a stasis field projector? Yeah,
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