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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
of, following beatings, 135–36
    removal from Tavares jail to Raiford prison to prevent lynching of, 62–68
    shootings of ( see Groveland Boys, shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin)
    trial appeal of ( see Groveland Boys appeal to U.S. Supreme Court)
    Groveland Boys appeals to U.S. Supreme Court, 202, 210 , 215–20
    Court agrees to hear case, 205
    W. Irvin retrial and, 336, 338
    T. Marshall’s work on, 215–18
    S. Shepherd and W. Irvin convictions overturned, 219–20
    Groveland Boys rape case and trial, 3–4
    N. Bunin investigation of, and exposé in St. Petersburg Times , 199–200, 204, 222
    confessions in, 128–29, 131, 134, 178–80
    connection to citrus industry, black labor, and returning black veterans, 132–33
    convictions overturned, 219–20
    evidence in, 156, 166, 312–14, 315
    Governor Collins’s secret investigation into, 348
    indictments, 97–98
    jury selection for, 155, 162–63, 216–18, 219–20
    posttrial appeal to Florida Supreme Court, 191, 193–94
    posttrial appeals strategy, 180–83
    posttrial motions rejected, 180
    posttrial threats to black attorneys and reporter, 174–77
    press coverage, 98, 142, 152, 157–61, 163, 164, 171–74, 180–81, 183–84
    pretrial hearings, pretrial motions, and defense strategy in, 146–49, 155–56
    pretrial investigation by F. Williams, 125–37, 160–62
    retrial [ see Irvin, Walter (Groveland Boys), retrial of]
    search for Florida attorney for trial by F. Williams, 126–27, 136, 143–44
    S. Shepherd and W. Irwin encounter with Padgetts and fight with Willie Padgett, 36–39
    testimony during trial, 163–73, 213–15
    C. and E. Twiss’s and L. Burtoft’s encounters with N. Padgett following alleged rape, 58–60
    verdict and sentencing, 173–74, 180
    Groveland Boys, shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin, 230–45, 284
    access to W. Irvin limited by Judge Futch, 334–35, 238
    alleged conspiracy between J. Hunter and W. McCall, 344–45
    coroner’s inquest into S. Shepherd’s death, 249–53
    Deputy J. Yates’s role in, 230–31, 234–36, 237, 238, 243–44, 245, 247
    J. J. Elliott investigation of, 241
    J. Hunter’s response to, 247–48
    W. Irvin’s statements on, 242–45, 247, 250, 254
    M. J. Leiby claims Shepherd and Irvin planned escape, 263–64
    T. Marshall’s response to, 241–47
    physical evidence in, 250, 251 , 252, 253, 255 , 263, 268
    press coverage of, 241, 245, 247, 255–56
    Sheriff W. McCall’s version of 235–38, 250–53
    Soviet criticism of, 240
    Guthrie, Woody, 121

    Hall, W. Troy Jr. (judge, coroner), 235, 262
    shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin and, 237–38, 249–53
    Hamlin, Alan (court reporter), questioning of W. Irvin after shooting and, 242–44
    Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 333
    Hampton, L. R., 289
    Happy Rhone’s Paradise (Harlem club), 26
    Harlem, New York City, 22–28
    cooperative groceries in, 24
    rent parties in, 23–24
    Sugar Hill neighborhood of, 24–28
    Harlem Hospital, 30
    Harlem Renaissance, 22, 23, 24, 26, 37
    Harlow, S. Ralph (clergyman), 307
    Harrington, Donald (clergyman), 279–80
    Harris, Bill, Governor L. Collins orders investigation into Groveland Boys case by, 348, 350, 353–54
    Harris, Louis (pollster), 226, 290
    Harris, Tom (news editor), 344, 355
    Hastie, William H. (judge), 32, 120, 196–97, 205, 335, 338
    Hatcher, Reuben (jailer, Lake County, FL), 61, 72 , 236
    beating of C. Greenlee and, 74, 75
    Hawkins, Virgil, 143
    Hendrix, Bill (KKK official), 265, 285
    Henry, Tom (sheriff), 104
    Herlong, James (National Guard lieutenant), 87, 91–92, 184
    Heyward, Sammy, 333
    Hill, Horace (attorney), 127, 130, 142, 174–77
    Holland, Howard (physician), 151
    Holland, Spessard (Florida governor), 103
    Holland, Spessard L, Jr. (attorney), 136–37
    Hoover, J. Edgar, 4, 27, 134, 142, 282. See also Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
    relationship with T. Marshall, 110–12, 206, 261, 360
    response to H. T. Moore assassination, 280
    Horne, Lena, 25, 333
    Hotel Theresa, Harlem, 28
    House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 34, 153
    Housing discrimination, 137–38
    Houston, Bo (son of C. H. Houston), 195, 196
    Houston, Charles Hamilton (NAACP attorney), 24–25, 40 , 106, 107, 189–90, 337
    illness and death of, 185, 195–97
    invites T. Marshall to work for NAACP, 42–43
    as mentor to T. Marshall, 8, 22, 197
    school inequalities study by, 42–43
    works with T. Marshall on cases, 42–43
    Houston, Henrietta (wife of C. H. Houston), 195
    Howard, Curtis (filling station

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