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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
    trial testimony, W. Irvin’s, 310–11, 315
    undercover investigation of N. Padgett story and, 204, 210–14, 227–29
    verdict and sentencing, 328–30, 331–32
    Irvin, Walter (Groveland Boys), shooting of, 240
    M. J. Leiby claims escape was planned, 263–64
    W. McCall’s version of, 230–39
    pain following, 286–87
    Soviet official’s criticism of, 240
    statements about, from hospital bed, 242–45, 247, 250, 254

    Jackson, Eddie (KKK informant), 248
    Jackson, Robert (Supreme Court justice), 217, 220, 335
    Jews, Ku Klux Klan attacks on, 265–66
    Johns, Charley (acting Florida governor), 341, 342
    Johns, Oscar, 96
    Johnson, Bumpy, 28
    Johnson, James Weldon, 28
    Johnson, Lyndon B. (U.S. president), 358
    Jones, Charles, 45
    Jury selection process, exclusion of blacks in, 9, 205
    as argument in Groveland Boys appeal to U.S. Supreme Court, 216–18, 219–20
    in Groveland Boys (W. Irvin) retrial, 295
    in Groveland Boys trial, 155, 162–63
    Justice Department, U.S., 31
    Civil Rights Division, 360
    investigation of Groveland Boys beatings, 138, 184
    investigation of I. Woodard blinding, 121
    investigation of W. Howard lynching, 104
    shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin and, 246

    KKK. See Ku Klux Klan
    Kefauver, Estes (senator), 247–48, 259
    Kennedy, John F. (U.S. president), 358
    Kennedy, “Papa” Lloyd, 13, 14
    Kennedy, Stetson (news reporter), 237, 241, 245, 252–53, 281, 357
    infiltration of Klan by, 259–60, 290
    interaction with J. J. Elliott about beatings of Groveland Boys, 259–62
    Kimbrough, James, 91
    King, Martin Luther, Jr., 347, 358
    Kirkland, Wallace, 124
    Korean War, 207
    Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 3, 72, 83, 105, 141–42, 158, 223
    assassination of H. T. Moore and, 284
    Brandenberg v. Ohio and, 359
    community morality enforcement by, 225
    J. J. Elliott as member of, 259, 261–62
    Groveland, FL, white mob violence and role of, 85–86, 89–93, 161
    indictments for Florida members, regarding violent incidents, 335–36
    infiltration of, by S. Kennedy, 259–60
    informants in, 184, 248
    law enforcement officers as members of, 17, 91, 109, 139, 141, 282
    plan to kill Alex Akerman, 248
    racial violence perpetrated by, in Florida, 265–66
    rally of, witnessed by J. Greenberg, 285–86
    resurgence of violence by, in response to Brown ruling, 339–41
    suspected in assassination of H. T. Moore by members of, 277, 279, 282, 357

    Labor, central Florida citrus industry and black, 76–81, 88, 94, 96–97, 212
    Labor unions, citrus industry and organizing by, 80–81
    Law enforcement officers
    assaults on, and beatings of blacks by, 21 , 53, 55–56, 73–75, 111, 120–23, 127–32, 135, 138–42, 147, 184–85, 259–62
    Ku Klux Klan pressure on white, 86–87
    Ku Klux Klan relationship with, 17, 91, 139, 141, 282
    Lee, Harper, 3
    Leesburg Commercial (newspaper), 78
    Legal Defense Fund (LDF) of NAACP, 5, 32
    financial problems and fund-raising for, 334–35
    Groveland Boys case and [ see Groveland Boys rape case and trial; Williams, Franklin (NAACP attorney)]
    guidelines on taking criminal cases, 48–49
    lawsuits by, challenging inequalities, 44, 49, 70, 82
    T. Marshall appointed head of, 334
    Leiby, Merlin James, claims prison escape was planned by S. Shepherd and W. Irvin, 263–64
    Liebman, Joshua Loth, 196
    Looby, Zephaniah Alexander (NAACP attorney), Columbia Race Riot trial and, 9–10, 14–20, 30, 32
    Lonesome, Milton “Buddy” (news reporter), 330, 331
    Louis, Joe, 26, 28, 122, 126, 137
    Lowe, Ramona (news reporter)
    coverage of Groveland Boys case, 159–60, 163
    posttrial high-speed chase and threat to, 174–77
    Lynchings of blacks, 1 , 3, 100–105, 111
    of black military veterans, 133
    NAACP definition of, 86
    Lyons, W. D., murder case/trial of, 52–57, 338
    Lyons v. Oklahoma , 338

    MacArthur, Douglas (U.S. general), 207–9, 222
    McCall, Doris Daley (wife of Willis McCall), 76
    McCall, Willis (sheriff, Lake County, FL), 72 , 75–81, 84 , 100 , 110, 194, 219 , 232 , 310, 321 , 322, 356
    alleged conspiracy of, with J. Hunter, to kill Groveland Boys, 344–45
    beatings of black laborers by, 79–81
    beatings of Groveland Boys by, 130–31, 135, 138–42, 147, 259–62
    bolita gambling and role of, 78–79, 114–15
    calls to remove from office, 255–56, 264, 266
    central Florida citrus industry’s need for black labor, and role of, 76–81, 133
    credited for preventing mob lynching of Groveland Boys, 61–68
    denies education to children of A. Platt, 340–41,

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