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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
fails to indict, for Groveland Boys beatings, 194–95
    first questioning of C. Greenlee by, 65–68
    testimony of, in W. Irvin retrial, 315–16
    Cannon, Poppy, 68–69
    Capital punishment program, NAACP, 5
    Carter, Richard (news reporter), 295, 300, 329–30
    on bolita business and Groveland Boys case, 114–15
    Carter, Robert (NAACP attorney), 195, 203, 210
    Groveland Boys appeal to U.S. Supreme Court and role of, 215–17, 219–20
    Cash, W. J., 51–52
    Cassell v. Texas , 205, 220
    Chalmers, Allan Knight (clergyman), 347, 348
    Chambers v. Florida , 53–54, 338
    Cheatwood, Vernon (special investigator), Lyons murder trial, 53, 55–56
    Cheek, Cordie, 12
    Chesley, Mabel Norris, 358, 359. See also Reese, Mabel Norris
    Chicago Defender (newspaper), 28, 152, 159–60, 256, 257, 260, 294, 330
    Christian Science Monitor (newspaper), 152
    Citrus industry
    black labor needed by central Florida, 76–81, 86–88, 94, 96–97, 132–33
    hurricane effects on, 148
    Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC), 76
    Civil Rights Congress (CRC), 26–27, 152–55, 181, 223, 281, 291
    Clarendon County, South Carolina, school desegregation case Briggs v. Elliott in, 203, 288, 333–34
    Clark, Kenneth, 288, 337
    Clark, Tom C. (U.S attorney general, Supreme Court justice), 20, 82–83, 111, 126, 196, 218
    Cockcroft, Flowers, mob violence and role of, 63, 64, 68, 73, 91–93, 184
    Cockroft, Mrs. (wife of Flowers Cockroft), 228
    Colclasure, E. O., 57
    Coleman, Bill, 191
    Collier’s (periodical), 287, 288
    Collins, LeRoy (Florida governor), 331 , 341, 342–43, 344, 346–51, 360
    commutation of W. Irvin’s sentence, 344, 348–55
    on death penalty, 349, 351
    orders investigation of Groveland Boys case, 348, 350, 353
    Columbia (Tennessee) Race Riot and trial (1946), 7–20, 29, 30
    threats to T. Marshall following, 15–20
    trial proceedings, 7–11, 14–15
    white mob violence in, 7 , 11–14
    Commission on Civil Rights, President’s, 110
    Committee of 100, 267, 307, 347, 348
    T. Marshall’s efforts to dissociate NAACP from, 26–27, 110–12, 153–55, 206–7
    Red Scare and national fear of, 34, 82, 153
    Confessions, cases involving coerced, 53–55
    Groveland Boys and, 128–29, 131, 134, 178–80
    Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 80–81, 221
    Connie’s Inn (Harlem club), 23
    Constitution, U.S.
    equal protection clause of 14th Amendment, 107
    T. Marshall on establishing civil rights precedents and reform of, 2, 48–49
    Cooperative groceries, Harlem, 24
    Cotton Club (Harlem club), 23
    Crawford, George, NAACP defense of, 42
    Criminal justice system, Thurgood Marshall and reform of, 2–3
    Crisis (NAACP periodical), 69, 192
    Cunningham, Evelyn “Big East” (news reporter), 47
    coverage of lynchings by, 40–41
    coverage of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin shootings, 245
    Current, Gloster B. (NAACP official), 104–5, 201, 264–65, 272, 339
    criticism of Harry T. Moore by, 246–47, 248
    Daily Compass (newspaper), 114
    Daily Worker (newspaper), 15, 20, 332
    Davis, Benjamin O., 29
    Davis, Jack E., 108
    Davis, John Aubrey, 339
    Daytona Beach Morning Journal , 358
    Dean, Libby (wife of Curtis Howard), 303, 306
    Death penalty, 227, 229, 349, 351
    De Forest, L. B. (detective), undercover private investigation of N. Padgett by, 204, 210–14, 227–29, 358
    anti-death penalty petition book of, 227, 229, 351, 354, 355
    DeMille, Arnold (newspaper columnist), 256, 286, 294, 330
    on S. Kennedy’s information about Groveland Boys beatings from J. J. Elliott, 259–62
    Democratic Party in Florida, 82–83
    Denton, C. Hayes, 20
    Dixiecrat Party, 83
    Dodson, Denmedia “Medi” and Clarence “Boots” (T. Marshall’s aunt and uncle), 22–23
    Doggett, Caxton (Methodist clergyman), 271
    Douglas, Aaron, 25–26
    Douglas, William O. (Supreme Court justice), 338
    Driver, J. E., 165
    Driver, Lois, 165
    DuBois, W. E. B., 26, 28, 44

    Earp, Curtis (county judge), 117
    Eatonville, Florida, 37
    Ebony (magazine), 26, 28
    Economic interests of central Florida
    citrus industry, black labor and, 76–81, 93–94, 96–97, 132–33
    Groveland disturbances detrimental to, 86–87, 93–94
    Edge, L. Day, 87, 93–94, 140, 141
    NAACP challenge to inequalities in teacher pay, 107
    NAACP challenge to segregated, 43–44, 143, 185–91, 203, 205, 333, 335–40
    NAACP study of school inequalities, 42–43
    Ellington, Duke, 25
    Elliott, Jefferson Jennings, 357
    on beatings of Groveland Boys, 259–60
    investigation of shootings of S. Shepherd

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