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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
and, 202–4
    threats to, 4, 15–20, 283–84, 290–91, 333–34
    train travel by, 1–2, 21–22, 224
    trip to Caribbean, 31–32
    university desegregation cases, 185–91, 198
    voting rights case, 82–83
    wife ( see Marshall, Vivian Burey “Buster”)
    work with Harry T. Moore, 107–8
    Marshall, Vivian Burey “Buster” (wife of Thurgood Marshall), 2, 31, 52, 335, 337
    childlessness of, 22, 27
    Harlem home, 23, 24, 27
    last days and death of, 343
    relationship with husband, 41–42, 343
    Marshall, Willie (father of Thurgood Marshall), 2
    Marshall Plan, 206
    Martin, D. D. (colonel), 208
    Martin, John W. (Florida governor), 145
    Martinsville Seven, Virginia, 153–54, 291
    Masonic distress signal, 327, 335
    Matthews, Tobias E. (FBI agent), 138–42, 162
    Mays, Benjamin, 201
    Mays, George (chief of police, Groveland, FL), 141, 161
    jailing of C. Greenlee by, 65–68
    Maxwell, Joe, 90
    Mazique, Edward (physician), 195, 196
    Meech, Frank (FBI agent), 282, 357
    Merritt, Curtis, 91, 140
    The Metropolitan (newspaper), 21
    Miami, Florida, NAACP fund-raising in, 269–71
    Miami Herald (newspaper), 68
    Military, desegregation of U.S., 207
    Military veterans, black, 11, 12, 36–37, 90, 96, 111, 120–21
    connection of Groveland Boys case to citrus industry, labor, and returning, 132–33
    lynchings of, 133
    Miller, Loren (attorney), 47
    The Mind of the South (Cash), 51–52
    Mink Slide, Columbia, Tennessee, 12, 13
    Mob violence by whites
    in Columbia, TN, 7 , 11–14
    damage to black-owned property caused by, 92–93, 95–97, 108
    in Groveland, FL, following reports of Padgett rape, 62–68, 72–73, 84–99, 108–9, 161
    Moore, Evangeline (daughter of H. T. Moore), 105–6
    Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms (wife of H. T. Moore), 105, 106, 273, 275, 277–78, 280–81, 283 , 333
    Moore, Harry Tyson (NAACP official), 103–8, 248–49, 264–66, 273–82, 283
    G. Current’s criticism of NAACP work of, 246–47, 248
    disillusionment of, 264–65
    events following assassination of, 283–84
    funeral, 279–81
    house bombing and assassination of, 273–76
    investigations of assassination of, 277, 280, 281, 282, 357
    T. Marshall seeks support of, in Groveland Boys case, 246–47
    NAACP benefit in honor of, 333
    press coverage and responses to death of, 277–82
    threats made to, 249
    visits Miami to hear T. Marshall speak, 269–72
    work on Groveland Boys case, 108–9, 127, 134–35, 142, 201–2, 249, 266, 276
    work on W. Howard lynching case, 103–05
    work on NAACP causes, 105–8, 201–2, 271–72
    voter registration efforts by, 83
    Moore, Peaches (daughter of H. T. Moore), 273, 275
    Moore, Rosa (mother of H. T. Moore), 265, 273, 274, 275, 281
    Moore, Simmie (sheriff, Madison County, FL), 116, 118
    Morton, Mary, 13
    Morton Funeral Home, Columbia, TN, vandalism of, 7, 13
    Motley, Constance Baker (NAACP attorney), 44, 46, 89, 110, 120, 186, 189, 190
    Mount Dora Topic (newspaper), 81, 84, 98, 135. See also Reese, Mabel Norris (news reporter)
    Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Miami, T. Marshall speaks at, 258 , 269–72
    Murphy, Frank (Supreme Court Justice), 82
    Murray, Donald Gaines, 185

    NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    Nabrit, James, Jr., 210
    Nail in tire as evidence in shootings of S. Shepherd and W. Irvin, 251
    Nation (periodical), 183, 241
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). See also Legal Defense Fund (LDF) of NAACP
    call for investigation of W. McCall by, 80
    capital punishment program, 5
    cases on desegregation of universities, 185–91
    challenge to “separate but equal” doctrine by, 43–44, 186–91 (see also Brown v. Board of Education ; School desegregation)
    Columbia Race Riot trial and, 7–11, 14–20
    educational/school inequalities addressed by, 42–43, 106–7
    fund-raising for Groveland Boys case, 269–71, 283 ,
    lynching flags displayed by, 1 , 3
    Ku Klux Klan attacks on, 265–66
    T. Marshall becomes attorney for, 22–23
    membership decline and financial problems of, 201–2
    New York offices, 1 , 44–47, 186
    threats to lawyers working for, 4, 9, 15–20, 168–69, 174–77, 182–84, 248, 283–84, 290–91, 333–34
    National Association for the Advancement of White People, 341
    National Guard, in Groveland, FL, to stop white mob violence, 87, 89–93, 97–99, 100 , 109
    National Research Corporation, 76
    New Leader (newspaper), 132, 204
    Newspaper Guild, CIO, 221
    New York City, Harlem, 22–28
    New York Compass , 295,

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