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Diana Racine 02 - Goddess of the Moon

Diana Racine 02 - Goddess of the Moon

Titel: Diana Racine 02 - Goddess of the Moon Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Polly Iyer
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operator transferred him to Compt on’s private line.
    “Lieutenant, what can I do for you?” Compton said.
    “I wanted to make sure you were okay with me accompany ing Diana to your house for the reading. Between you and me, she’s been a bit clingy since her nightmarish experience . I’m sure you understand.”
    Compton let his prolonged silence answer. No, he didn’t understand. More specifically, he didn’t like someone trapping him, but he wouldn’t say so .
    “Of course,” Compton said, “although I can’t imagine why she ’d be uptight around us . Actually, I assumed you’d be with her. Since each reading will be private, you’ll have plenty of company. I f the men bore you, Selene will see you’re entertained.”
    I’ll bet . “ Great. Thanks . Is Edward Slater coming ?”
    “I invited him , but he declined. Even though Edward’s interests are eclectic, he’d never let himself be exposed in that way. He keeps his life pretty close to his vest.”
    Lucier presumed that Compton executed a complete background check on Brother Osiris before he parted with his money.
    “Oh, by the way, I bumped into your daughter this morning at Café du Monde. You have two beautiful daughters, Mr. Compton. You must be pleased with their accomplishments. I’m sure you rely on them.”
    “I do. They’re exceptional young women. I’m proud of them.”
    “ A ny idea when Maia will return?”
    “She’s still in negotiations. Maia hasn’t taken a vacation in a couple of years and mentioned traveling a little after she settles our business . She may be gone for a fe w months. Dione will take care of her duties.”
    “I see,” Lucier said. “I never asked, and if I’m out of line, just say so, but I don’t recall you and Mrs. Compton mentioning children. Do you have any together?”
    Compton’s voice lowered . “My wife miscarried a few times. We decided not to pursue trying further due to the risk on her health . It’s our greatest regret. Any children of Selene’s would be quite special.”
    “I’m sure. She’s a beautiful woman.”
    “And an incurable flirt. I hope you didn’t take her attention too seriously.”
    “I was flattered, but Diana is enough for me to handle.”
    Compton laughed. “We both have strong partners, Ernie , but doesn’t that make life more interesting?”
    “Most definitely.”
    “ U ntil the fifteenth, you take care of yourself.”
    “In my business that’s the best anyone can hope for . See you on the fifteenth, Silas .”
    He did it again, called Compton by his first name. It was as if a little gremlin inside his head took over , and he couldn’t help himself. The man was as slick as black ice.
    Now if he could only secure a meeting with Dione Compton without her father’s tail.
    * * * * *
    “L et the two boys go, Sam,” Lucier said. “We’ve kept them here too long . T hey don’t want to leave. Why should they? Three squares and a bed. We can charge them with unlawful entry, but they’re the only ones claiming they entered Compton’s house unlawfully. Even the guard who supposedly pulled a gun had no idea what I was talking about when I questioned him.”
    Lucier made a sound that crossed a whistle with a sigh. “Without Maia Compton we can ’t get them for anything more.”
    “ Betcha even if she was here, she’d say she never saw them before , ” Beecher said. “It was a sting gone bad , and these two con artists were the dupes.”
    “Right, and if I pursue the matter further, I’d be calling Compton a liar. He said Maia left two days before this happened, and I have no doubt he could prove it. I hate to think money can buy anything, but that’s the way it is, isn’t it? The rich get away with murder.”
    “Kidnapping babies, too ,” Beecher said. ”
    Lucier hated to agree. If Compton hosted a satanic gathering, it was over twenty seconds after those two so-called art thieves fled the scene . “A s abhorrent as the idea of a satanic ritual is, it’s not illegal. We need to connect Compton and his group with the k idnappings. The key i s Dione. ”
    Lucier tried to get through to her again, using the old school chum front, but Ms. Compton wasn’t taking any calls today from any one, her secretary said. Sorry. He hung up the phone feeling trapped .
    The fifteenth was a few days away. What ever they ha d planned for Diana and him, he’d better be one step ahead.

Chapter Thirty - Three
    A T earful Reunion

    M aia clutched the three

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