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Die Verwandlung Der Welt

Die Verwandlung Der Welt

Titel: Die Verwandlung Der Welt Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Juergen Osterhammel
Vom Netzwerk:
Gesellschaft, 2 Bde., Frankfurt a.M. 1997.
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    Luthi, Jean-Jacques: La vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des khédives, Paris 1998.
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    Maheshwari, Shriram: The Census Administration Under the Raj and After, New Delhi 1996.
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    Malia, Martin: Russia under Western Eyes. From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum, Cambridge, MA 1999.
    Mallon, Florencia: Peasant and Nation . The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru, Berkeley, CA 1995.
    Mandler, Peter: The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home, New Haven, CT 1997.
    Manela, Erez: The Wilsonian Moment . Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anticolonial Nationalism, Oxford 2007.
    Mann, Kristin: Marrying Well . Marriage, Status and Social Change among the Educated Elite in Colonial Lagos, Cambridge 1985.
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    Mantran, Robert: Histoire d’ Istanbul , Paris

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