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Die Verwandlung Der Welt

Die Verwandlung Der Welt

Titel: Die Verwandlung Der Welt Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Juergen Osterhammel
Vom Netzwerk:
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    Mardin, Serif: The Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought . A Study in the Modernization of Turkish Political Ideas, Princeton, NJ 1962.
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    Markus, Andrew: Australian Race Relations, 1788–1993 , St. Leonards 1994.
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    Marrus, Michael R.: The Unwanted . Euopean Refugees from the First World War through the Cold War, Philadelphia 2002 2 .
    Marsden, Ben: Watt’s Perfect Engine . Steam and the Age of Invention, Cambridge 2002.
    Marsden, Ben/Crosbie Smith: Engineering Empires . A Cultural History of Technology in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Basingstoke 2005.
    Marshall, Peter J.: The Making and Unmaking of Empires. Britain, India, and America c. 1750–1783, Oxford 2005.
    Martin, David: On Secularization . Towards a Revised General Theory, Aldershot 2005.
    Martin, Vanessa: Islam and Modernism . The Iranian Revolution of 1906, London 1989.
    Martin, Vanessa: The Qajar Pact . Bargaining, Protest and the State in Nineteenth-Century Persia, London 2005.
    Martin, Virginia: Law and Custom in the Steppe. The Kazakhs of the Middle Horde and Russian Colonialism in the Nineteenth Century, Richmond 2001.
    Marx, Anthony W.: Making Race and Nation. A Comparison of South Africa, the United States, and Brazil, Cambridge 1998.
    Marx, Christoph: Geschichte Afrikas . Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart, Paderborn 2004.
    Marx, Christoph: Grenzfälle . Zu Geschichte und Potential des Frontierbegriffs, in: Saeculum 54 (2003), S. 123–43.
    Marx, Karl/Friedrich Engels: Werke , 43 Bde., Berlin (DDR) 1957–90.
    Mason, R. H. P.: Japan’s First General Election 1890, Cambridge 1969.
    Masuzawa Tomoko: The Invention of World Religions, Chicago 2005.
    Mathias, Peter: The First Industrial Nation . An Economic History of Britain 1700–1914, London 1969.
    Matis, Herbert: Das Industriesystem . Wirtschaftswachstum und sozialer Wandel im 19. Jahrhundert, Wien 1988.
    Matsusaka, Yoshihisa Tak: The Making of Japanese Manchuria , 1904–1932, Cambridge, MA 2001.
    Matthew, Colin (Hg.): The Nineteenth Century . The British Isles, 1815–1901, Oxford 2000.
    Matthew, H. C. G.: Gladstone 1809–1898, Oxford 1997.
    Mawer, Granville Allen: Ahab’s Trade . The Saga of South Seas Whaling, New York 1999.
    May, Henry F.: The Enlightenment in America , Oxford 1976.
    Mayaud, Jean-Luc/Lutz Raphael (Hg.): Histoire de l’Europe rurale contemporaine , Paris 2006.
    Mayer, Arno J.: Adelsmacht und Bürgertum. Die Krise der europäischen Gesellschaft 1848–1914, München 1984.
    Mayer, Harold M./Richard C. Wade: Chicago . Growth of a Metropolis, Chicago 1970.
    Mayer, Henry: All on Fire . William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery, New York 1998.
    Mayer, Ruth: Diaspora . Eine kritische Begriffsbestimmung, Bielefeld 2005.
    Mayhew, Henry: London Labour and the London Poor, 4 Bde., London 1861–62.
    Maylam, Paul: A History of the African People of South Africa, London 1986.
    Maylam, Paul: South Africa’s Racial Past . The History and Historiography of Racism, Segregation, and Apartheid, Aldershot 2001.
    Maza, Sarah C.: The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie . An Essay on the Social Imaginary, 1750–1850, Cambridge, MA 2003.
    Mazlish, Bruce: Civilization and Its Contents, Stanford, CA 2004.
    Mazower, Mark: Der Balkan , Berlin 2002.
    Mazower, Mark: Salonica . City of Ghosts. Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–1950, New York 2004.
    McCaffray, Susan Purves/Michael S. Melancon (Hg.): Russia in the European Context, 1789–1914. A Member of the Family, New York 2005.
    McCalman, Iain (Hg.): An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age .

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