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Don't Sweat the Aubergine

Don't Sweat the Aubergine

Titel: Don't Sweat the Aubergine Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nicholas Clee
Vom Netzwerk:
roast chicken 204
    zesting 312
    lentils 169–72
    dal 171–2
    lentil soup 67–9
    lettuce 161
    limes: Key lime pie 348–9
    lemon and lime cheesecake 344–5
    Little, Alastair 56, 189, 268
    liver: chicken liver 52, 211–12
    Venetian-style liver and onions 165–6
    macaroni cheese 127–9
    McGee, Harold 18, 43, 77, 94, 132, 138, 208, 210, 236, 295
    mackerel 281
    pan-fried mackerel 292
    Maillard reactions 55, 164–5, 208, 235, 270
    mangetouts 143
    marinades: for fish 297–8
    for meat 271–3
    mayonnaise 27, 41–4, 302–3
    meat 200–79
    browning 20, 234–5
    connective tissue 209, 234, 237
    curry 253–5
    frying 270–6
    grilling 26, 270–7
    marinades 271–3
    meat loaf 263–4
    meatballs 262–3
    mince 255–63
    pilafs 114
    resting 210–11
    roasting 19–20, 202–25
    salting 32
    sautes 265–7
    searing 208, 223, 234–5
    simple stir-fry 131
    stews 227–55
    see also
beef, lamb
    Menkes-Ivry, Vivienne 98
    milk: béchamel sauce 48
    custard 320–2
    rice pudding 326–7
    mince 255–63
    mornay (cheese) sauce 47
    moussaka 47, 25~9
    mousses: chocolate 339–41
    lemon 341–2
    mushrooms 162–4
    dried mushrooms 163
    in risotto 107
    mussels 304–6
    paella 110–11
    mustard: in cheese sauce 47
    and mayonnaise 44
    vinaigrette 38
    navarin 228
    nectarines 332
    New York cheesecake 347–8
    non-stick saucepans 25
    noodles 129–32
    simple stir-fry 130–2
    a very simple soup 62–3
    nutmeg, in quiche Lorraine 96
    oil 33–4
    and aubergines 141
    chips 186–7
    and mushrooms 164
    and noodles 132
    mayonnaise 41–4
    and pasta 117
    smoke point 33–4
    vinaigrette 38
    olive oil 33–4, 43
    olives: puttanesca sauce 197–8
    Olney, Richard 228, 253, 265, 268
    omelettes 25, 84–6
    onions 164–6
    Alsace onion tart 98–9
    red onions 166
    softening 35, 164
    Venetian-style liver and onions 165–6
    orange surprise pudding 329
    oven temperatures 17–20
    Owen, Sri 105, 114
    oxtail stew 238–9
    paella 110–13
    pak choi 151–2
    pancetta: carbonara sauce 118–21
    and chicory 155
    and leeks 160
    and lettuce 161
    in macaroni cheese 128
    pancetta risotto 107
    see also
    panettone bread and butter pudding 324–5
    panna cotta 329–31
    Parmigiana di melanzane 143
    parsley sauce 47, 285
    parsnips 193
    pasta 114–29
    al dente
    anchovy, garlic and chilli sauce 123–5
    and broccoli 148
    carbonara sauce 118–21
    cauliflower sauce 154
    and courgettes 156
    dry pasta 115
    fresh pasta 115
    lasagne 125–7
    macaroni cheese 127–9
    pasta aglio e olio e peperoncino
    puttanesca sauce 197–8
    salt and 116
    sausage sauce 121–3
    shapes 117
    and soup 62–3, 73–5
    spaghetti carbonara 14
    tomato sauce 117–18, 196–8
    pastry 92–5
    peaches 332
    peas 166–7
    pepper 6, 33
    in scrambled eggs 84
    in soups 65
    peppers 172–5
    chicken stew 239–41
    piperade 83
    ratatouille 173–5
    skinning 172
    pestle and mortar 27–8
    pesto 39–41
    pheasant 215
    pigeon 215
    pilaf 105, 113–14
    Qabili pilaf 114
    turmeric pilaf 113
    pine nuts: pesto 39–41
    piperade 83
    plaice, pan-fried fillets 291–3
    plums 332
    plum clafoutis 337–9
    plum crumble 336
    polenta cake, lemon 319–20
    pork: belly 201, 217–20, 245
    blanquette 252–3
    brining 218–19
    cassoulet 247–9
    chops 270
    crackling 215–16
    grilling 276–7
    loin 215–16
    meatballs 262–4
    pot-roasting 218, 220
    roast pork 215–19
    shoulder 217–20
    spare rib pork braise 246
    spare rib roast 217–20
    pot-roasting: chicken 205
    lamb 222–3
    pork 218, 220
    potatoes 175–92
    aligot 178–9
    boiling 139, 176–7
    chips 186–7
    fish cakes 298–300
    fish pie 288–90
    fried potatoes 185–6
    gratin dauphinois 188–91
    gratin savoyard 192
    lamb boulangère 183, 222
    leek and potato soup 63–6
    mashed potato 177–81
    new potatoes 177, 180
    parboiling 182, 184
    potato salad 177
    potatoes Anna 192
    potatoes boulangere 192
    roast potatoes 139, 182–5
    shepherd’s or cottage pie 260–2
    Spanish omelette (tortilla) 87–8
    poultry 214–15
    see also
chicken, turkey
    poussins 215
    prawns: paella 110–11
    puddings 309, 320–49
    pumpkin soup 66–7
    purple sprouting broccoli 148–9
    puttanesca sauce 197–8
    Qabili pilaf 114
tarts and quiches
    ragù alIa Bolognese 256–8, 262
    Ramsay, Gordon 3, 29, 49, 142–3, 210
    raspberries 332, 334
    ratatouille 173–5
    red cabbage 150–1
    red kidney beans 144, 145–6
    redcurrants 334
    redcurrant crumble 336
    resting 227, 236
    rhubarb 332–4
    apple and rhubarb crumble 336
    fool 333–4
    ribollita, Tuscan

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