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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
now? Is he on his way?"
    "The only reason I let you stay and talk with us is 'cause I know you'd stick your nose around it anyway, and everybody's involved in this from here on out. You, me… everyone."
    I didn 't see what he meant by that. I've known he's not on the up and up almost as long as we been married, and I wasn't gonna turn him in at this point.
    "Just be hospitable and act normal," he said.
    And there on the dot of seven the doorbell rang.
    "I 'll get it," he said.
    I 'd never really talked to a midget and was kind of nervous, actually. Dave can say the meanest things but sometimes he knows me too well and sees right through, although he can phrase it harsh.
    He returned and there next to him was the midget.
    "This is Vinny," said Dave. "Vinny, this is my wife Anne."
    I reach ed down – I really did – and shook his hand. He had a sweet smile, and I could imagine him with a normal-sized body. But here he was, small. He looked like a large person shrinking into something… something else.
    "Hello," said Vinny. "The food smells amazing."
    "Then let 's eat," said Dave.
    We sat and said no prayer and Dave cut the turkey. I noticed he cut a slightly smaller piece for Vinny. Perhaps Vinny didn't notice, and maybe Dave himself didn't know what he had done, but I could tell it was a little smaller. I laughed inside and kept it to myself, of course.
    "Say, where 's the boy?" said Vinny. "Your nephew, right?"
    "Yeah," said Dave. "He's at the dojo."
    "I don 't think anyone's gonna be messing with a guy that size. Even to a tall guy like you, that kid's a giant."
    "Yes he is. But he's raw. Ain't had much experience in the world. And sometimes you don't get a second chance if people come at you wrong. Sure, he's big, but he wouldn't raise his hand to a thing in the world. Even if you attacked him."
    "I 'm not planning to attack him."
    They laughed with their man humor. That they would even think about Swan in those terms, like he was a dog being trained for a fight – it disgusted me.
    "Damn, this is some fine gravy," said Vinny. He looked at me a little too long. Little man.
    "Yeah, she 's not a bad one when she puts her back into it," said Dave.
    Vinny laughed a raw, skittish laugh and slowly moved his eyes from me to Dave.
    "You have a wonderful family," said Vinny. "I'm glad we'll be working together. Especially if it means more meals like this."
    "This job works out and we 'll be eating a lot better than this," said Dave.
    "So when do I get the details? You checked me out with Larry, yeah?"
    "Yeah, I did. He says you're alright. Alright. And if he says you're good then I'm okay with that. We can go into the low-gist-icks later on when the little lady here's cleaning up, step into the living room and not bore her with the details."
    "Oh, it won 't bore me at all," I said. Dave just didn't want me to hear more than I needed to know.
    He glared at me but went on. "No, Vinny, what we need to discuss more urgently is our little group. And how we're gonna function as a team. Like I told you, Swan's pretty raw out here, and I don't want that slowing us down. And I don't want him second-guessing you or you second-guessing him 'cause you all barely know each other."
    "Naw, you say he 's good then I'll trust him. Like a brother."
    "Nevertheless. I think it might be beneficial to have the two of you spend a little time together. Get to know each other."
    "You mean another job first?"
    "Huh? No, no. I just mean to have the two of you bond."
    "Yeah, become his buddy."
    "Like… how?" said Vinny.
    "How?" said Dave. I heard in his voice that creeping annoyance like when I asked a dumb question, but I saw he was suppressing it with Vinny. "Whatever… just take him bowling or get a burger or something. I don't know – you figure it out."
    "Okay," said Vinny. "I'll think of something."
    "Great, I know you have it in you. Anne, get the ice cream out so it ain't rock solid when we're ready for it."


    After dinner Dave and I went in the living room while Anne did the dishes. I was enjoying the view of her backside, but business comes first, I suppose.
    "We 're aiming for the third of December. It's a Monday. Mark your calendar."
    "Alright," I said. "Where's it at?"
    "I 'll let you know the day of the job."
    "Don 't trust me?"
    " I'm letting you in, aren't I? I trust you that much. You do okay and I'll trust you more."
    Yeah, go ahead and start trusting me.
    "That's fine," I said. "That date works for me. I'll be

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