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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
his feet.
    "Again," said Ueda . "I think you are still in a daze. You are holding back. Wake up! This is real. If you do not stop me I will kill you. Can you believe that?"
    "Alright," said Swan. He raised his fists again and really tried to believe that Ueda meant to kill him and that he had to do the same if he was to survive. Swan ran to Ueda and punched for the sensei's head. His hand met only air and a knee in his stomach. A dizzying nausea swirled up into his saliva, but through it he could see Ueda. Swan grabbed Ueda's uniform by the front even as Ueda grabbed Swan. Swan tried to punch the little man's head but was blocked and tripped and in the entangled spin they both twisted down to the floor. Ueda landed on top and immediately got to work on another grip. Swan's vision was a mudfield of red and every instinct in him wanted to explode to avoid being trapped by the jiu-jitsu instructor.
    "Graaaaaa! " said Swan.
    But Ueda was too experienced to allow even blind energy to distract him, and he had Swan 's arm twisted and put Swan face down on the mat again. Swan felt pain and more pain as he tried to resist but his muscles would not allow him. Ueda increased his grip and Swan twisted still more, his tendons knotting and muscles flexing to be free and continually blocked by the pressure of Ueda's hold.
    "Had enough?" said Ueda.
    But Swan barely heard the words and now viewed Ueda as a man truly bent on killing him. If Swan didn't break free he'd be dead in seconds. His arms would snap and his skull would be crushed below the factory press of Ueda's vice-like grip.
    "Nuraaa," said Swan.
    Ueda applied more pressure. Swan's vision was almost all red, only silhouettes of movement underneath the crimson carpet that flooded his being. The pain was starting to vanish as his consciousness ebbed. He realized he wasn't breathing and took the best breath he could. The pain surged.
    Every muscle within Swan spasmed. His whole body gave out a violent hiccup and in the process Swan and Ueda were separated. Ueda was briefly surprised, but accepted the new situation and was on his feet looking down at Swan, who lay gasping on the mat.
    "Well, " said Ueda. "A little wolf in you after all, eh?"
    Swan tried to get up, not realizing the sparring was over for now. Instead, he chose to vomit on the mat.


    That night back at the house Dave had Anne make a chocolate cake for Swan, who said it was the best cake he'd ever had.
    "Must be that special sugar," said Dave, winking at Swan.
    Swan looked back on his day and wondered if every day would be like this in San Francisco. If so, Swan would be very tired at the end of each day. Exhaustion filled every cell of his body, and he asked Dave if he could go to bed early.
    "Why sure, boy. You go up and get some shut-eye. Sweet dreams."
    "Sweet dreams," said Swan.
    When he had gone, Anne said, "What have you been up to with that boy?"
    Dave sipped his beer.
    "I said –"
    "I heard you, woman," said Dave. "I just thought it was a stupid thing to say as it's none of your business –"
    "It is my business if you 're hurting that boy. He's –"
    "Woman, there 's one thing you don't seem to understand. And that's that you've been put in this world and your place ain't at the top. It's never been at the top and it never will be. And since you met me you will always be under me. You let me do the thinking and you won't have any trouble like we been having."
    "Just leave the boy out of it."
    Dave finished his beer, then threw the empty bottle at Anne. She moved just in time and it smashed against the kitchen wall. She sighed, and started picking up the broken glass.
    "What 's that?" said Dave. "What you whispering?"
    She didn 't look at him.
    "What 's that?" he said again.
    "I said nothing."
    "Goddamn right," said Dave. "Get me another one."
    She finished sweeping the glass and took him another beer from the fridge. He drank it, and with Anne turned away from him at the kitchen sink, he threw this bottle as well. It struck her in the back, just below the neck, and she lost her balance, fell to the floor.
    Dave went to her. She rubbed the spot on her back where the bottle had hit.
    "What?" he said. He offered her his hand. She looked at him with open disgust.
    He grabbed her by the shirt and lifted her against the counter. "What?" he said again. "You got something on your mind?"
    She could not hold back her tears. All the violence and memories erupted at once. She sobbed and gasped for air and

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