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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
his smaller body almost as if it (the cigarette) had been absorbed and abused by a child of similar build, the nicotine, smoke, tar, lift, having the opposite of its intended release and reinvigoration, and turning instead into a grossly rude mockery of that frail being that aside from sharp words and angular pluck seemed as though he might be abducted or blown over at any given moment.
    And with him (Vinny) far enough away to act as a gap between her and him that passed for comfortable the aunt came into the light of the video game living room and unknowingly sat in the spot on the couch where Vinny had sat only minutes if not seconds before and also looked on with feigned interest on Swan's progress in the video game that looked almost real. Then her boredom and distraction took over and she went to pick a scab on the front porch, as women do.
    Swan tried to focus on his gameplay but the sounds of whispered yelling dragged him away and out of mind when all he wanted to do was purify the internet for innocent young people the world over. Where were the young film director and his crew hiding in the headquarters of –
    "Get back in the house. We'll talk later."
    "You 're just like –"
    – Asian Anal Enterprises? Hunting the crew reminded him of an arcade game he once played called Jewhunter that was released around the time of the first of Simpatico's Nice Nazi films. Swan hadn't seen Simpatico's movies, but he loved Jewhunter . In the game – it was in a 7-Eleven in town back in Mississippi many years ago – Swan got to play a Nazi sifting through houses looking for Jews and takin' 'em down if they made a run for it (or if you just felt like it). Jewhunter was unaffiliated with the Simpatico films but the Nice Nazis had spawned countless imitations, a subgenre unto itself, and Jewhunter was successful enough to warrant a sequel, Jewhunter 2: World War Mutant , that introduced mutant Jews, robot Jews, alien Jews, and time-traveling Jews. When Swan saw this new console in the 7-Eleven right where the first Jewhunter had enthralled him, he popped his coins in and played. Despite its sophisticated armada of new adversaries, a virtual tapestry of Jew threats from past, present, and future, the game was too complicated, convoluted, and offered little to entice fans of the original, following the tendency of most sequels (such as World War II itself) to be worse than the first one.
    Swan 's aunt returned to the couch and he saw that she was crying. He paused the game right before he kicked in a door marked "secret annex" at Asian Anal Enterprises.
    "What 's wrong, Aunt Anne?"
    She laughed a nervous, light laugh. "Nothing, Swan. Or everything. I don't know."
    "I 'm sorry."
    "There 's nothing for you to be sorry about, honey. You're the one good person here. We're the ones who're messed up."
    "Don 't say that. You guys have been great to me. You and Uncle Dave. And now Vinny since he's let us in his home to stay until things are good again."
    "Good… again?" She laughed. "When was it good? It's been so long since I remember it being good."
    "That 's not true! Just a few days ago. Before Vinny and Uncle Dave and me did those bad things at that place. When Uncle Dave was still alive."
    "I guess it looked okay from the outside."
    "What do you mean?"
    She hesitated and looked to the front door then back at Swan. "I think you should know this. Vinny might not – okay, Vinny definitely doesn't want you to know it, but I think it's important for you to know."
    "Your uncle…"
    "Uncle Dave."
    "Yes. He… he may have seemed like a nice man to you. I'm sure he seemed that way."
    "Of course he was."
    "And I know how a person can seem one way. But you should understand – your uncle was not a nice man."
    "What?" said Swan. "Sure he was! What are you talking about? Don't say that. He just died and you're trying to tell me he was bad? Why would you say that about him? Is this why you and Vinny were fighting? Vinny knows Uncle Dave was a great guy too and I bet Vinny defended Uncle Dave and probably got mad. I can see why he would get mad if you said that."
    "It – it 's not, Swan."
    "I 'm sorry, Aunt Anne," said Swan, seeing she was still upset. "I'm trying not to get mad because you guys have been so great to me. But I don't know why you said that. If Uncle Dave always seemed nice to me then why would you tell me he wasn't a nice guy?"
    "I 'm telling you, Swan, because people aren't always what they seem. So

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