Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies
renege on our deal. Fletcher Lane Why?”
was dead, partly because of her. She owed me until I said I stared at the vampire, debating what I should tell otherwise.
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“All right,” Roslyn said in a quiet voice. “I’ll help you, makeup tables and stabbed the pen at me. “Strip,” she Gin.”
“Thank you.” I might be twisting Roslyn’s arm to the
breaking point, but there was no need to be ungrateful Roslyn pierced me with a hard stare. “Because if you’re about it.
going to masquerade as one of my girls, then you’re damn The vampire nodded her head. “Follow me.”
sure going to look the part. I’m not sending out shoddy merchandise, especially not to one of Mab Monroe’s parRoslyn led us out of her office. The maze of corridors ties.”
snaked all the way around the interior perimeter of I had to applaud Roslyn’s dedication to her craft, if Northern Aggression, forming a series of passageways, nothing else. So I stepped out of my boots and socks, peepholes, and discreet doors that let Roslyn, her hookpeeled off my jeans, and shrugged out of my fleece jacket. ers, and the giant bouncers who watched out for them I took a little more care with my long-sleeved T-shirt, have access to the entire nightclub without having to making sure Roslyn didn’t see the two knives I had tucked fight their way through the drinking, smoking, snorting, up my sleeves or the one I’d had hidden against the small fucking crowd on the main floor.
of my back. A minute later, I stood there in my bra and After a series of twists and turns, Roslyn opened a door panties. The concrete floor felt like ice against my bare marked Supplies and stepped inside. Finn and I followed feet.
“Underwear too,” Roslyn barked. “I need to see evFinn stopped dead in his tracks, and a wide smile erything.”
spread across his face. “I think I’ve died and gone to I looked at Finn and made a circle with my finger, sugheaven.”
gesting he turn around.
I snorted. “Yeah, hooker heaven.”
“C’mon, Gin. It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before,”
The room wasn’t filled with what I would consider sup- Finn protested.
plies, but then again, I wasn’t in the nightclub business. Roslyn started. “Don’t tell me the two of you—”
Racks and racks of clothes took up a good portion of the
“Yeah, we did,” I said. “When we were kids. Before I room, along with a couple of rows of metal lockers and knew any better. Now turn around, Finn.”
several vanity tables crammed with makeup, hairspray, Finn rolled his eyes, but he turned his back and wanand dozens of boxes of condoms, feminine lubricants, dered over to the racks of clothes, most of which were and assorted body oils.
either transparent wisps of lace and satin or form-fitting Roslyn removed a clipboard and pen from the wall pieces of leather.
next to a clothes rack. She perched her hip on one of the Roslyn grabbed a tape measure from one of the tables Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 268-269
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and wrapped it around various parts of my body. I stood cowboy persona, he likes for a woman to catch his eye, there and let her work. The vampire regarded me with all and then he does his best to hog-tie her.”
the interest a butcher would a cow. Standing there naked
“Literally or figuratively?”
wasn’t the most comfortable thing I’d ever done, but I Roslyn stared at me. “Both. one of my girls had rope knew Roslyn had seen better bodies than mine in her burns for a week after paying him a visit.”
time. Hell, she had one herself. So I decided to focus on I filed the information away. “What else?”
more important matters.
“He also likes to wear chaps, a cowboy hat, and his
“According to info Finn found, some of your girls have boots when he fucks.”
had dealings with Tobias Dawson before,” I said. “What
“Sounds like a kinky bastard to me,” Finn said. does he like?”
The vampire walked over to a different rack of clothes
“Why do you ask?”
than the one Finn had been rifling through. “UnfortuI shrugged. “I need to attract his attention tonight. nately, not as kinky as some I’ve seen and done.”
Can’t hurt to stack the deck in my favor.”
Roslyn flipped through the clothes for a moment Roslyn wrote down another measurement on her clipbefore
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