01392 426022
The British Herbal Medicine Association
Sun House, Church Street ,
Stroud, Glos. GL5 1JL Tel: 01453 751389
John Chambers’ Wild Flower Seeds 15 Westleigh Rd, Barton Seagrave, Kettering, Northants. NN15 5AJ Tel: 01933 652562 (for supplies of Sheep sorrel and Burdock seed)
Hambledon Herbs
Court Farm, Milverton,
Som. TA4 INF
Tel: 01823 401 205
(for buying herbs individually)
Kombucha Supplies UK
The Hollies, Mill Hill,
Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ Tel: 01225 833150;
Fax: 01225 840012
(and for all Kombucha brewing needs)
Xynergy Health Products
Unit 6b, Old Station Yard,
Elsted, Midhurst,
W. Sussex GU29 0JT Tel: 01730-813642 in powder and tablet form
The Clouds Trust
(Registered Charity No 1064289), P.O.Box 30, Liss, Hants., GU33 7XF e-mail:
[email protected] web: http://home . onet.co.uk/~cloudstrust
For copies of all Clouds Trust leaflets and A Future Beyond the Sun by Mali Klein
New Action Products,
P.O.Box 141, Grimsby, Ont. L3M 4G5 Tel: 716 662 8000
For a copy of the only film record of Rene Caisse in existence:
Call Toll Free 1 888 773 7973 or visit the website: http://www.muskoka.com/caisse
Blessed Herbs,
109 Barre Plains Road,
Oakham, MA 01068 Tel: 508 882 3839
Herb Research Foundation
Box 2602, Longmont, CO 80501, USA Tel: 303 449 2265
New Action Products,
Box 540, Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: 1 800 541 3799
For all enquiries re: herbal suppliers: National Herbalists Association of Australia
49 Oakwood Street, Sutherland, NSW 2232, Australia Tel: 02 92 116 437
An SAE with all enquiries would be appreciated
Bartholomew, A. 8c M., Kombucha Tea for Your Health and Healing, Gateway, 1998
Belkin, M & Fitzgerald, D, Tumour Damaging Capacity of Plant Materials , National Cancer Institute Journal, 1952
Cadenas, Enrique & Lester Packer, Handbook of Antioxidants, Dekker, 1996
Caisse, Rene M., RN, “I was Canada’s Cancer Nurse”, The Story of Essiac, 1963 The Canadian Journal of Herbalism, Vol. 12, No.3, July 1991
Castleman, Michael, The Healing Herbs, Rodale Press, PA, 1991
Christopher, Dr. John R., The School of Natural Healing , 1976
Clapham, Tutin & Moore, Flora of the British Isles , 3rd ed., 1987
Debo, Angie, A History of the Indians of the United States , Pimlico ed., Random, 1995
Department of Resources and Development, Native Trees of Canada, 4th ed., 1950
Ericsen-Brown, Charlotte, Use of Plants for the Past Five Hundred Years, 1979
Fisher, John, The Origins of Garden Plants, Constable, London
Grimm, W.C., The Book of Trees, 1957
Grieve, Maude, A Modern Herbal, Vols. 1&2, 1982
Herbal Research Publications Inc., Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas, 1995
Hutchens, Alma R., Indian Herbology of North America, Shambhala Publications, 1973
Henrikson, Robert, Earth Food Spirulina, 1997
Hodgkinson, A. Oxalic Acid in Biology and Medicine, Academic Press, 1977
Hoffmann, David, The Herbal Handbook, 1987
Jackson & Teague, Handbook of Alternatives to Chemical Medicine, 1975
Klein, Mali, A Future Beyond the Sun, Fisher Miller, 1997
Kloss, Jethro, Back to Eden, Woodbridge Press, 1972
Kramer & Koslowski, Physiology of Woody Plants, Academic Press, 1979
Kretovich, V.L., Principles of Plant Biochemistry, Pergamon Press, 1966
Kruger, Anna, Herbs, American Nature Guides, 1992
Launett, Edwin, Hamlyn Guide to Edible & Medicinal Plants Britain & N. Europe
Lust, John, The Herb Book, Bantam Books, 1974.
Meyer, J.E., The Herbalist, 1976.
Mills, Out of the Earth: The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine, Viking, 1991
Mills, Simon, The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism, Thorsons, 1985
Mills, Simon, The Complete Guide to Modern Herbalism, Thorsons, 1994
Moss, Ralph, Cancer Therapy, 1992
Mowrey, Daniel B., The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1986
Ministry of Natural Resources, Canada, The Forest Trees of Ontario, 1986
Nature Trek Guide, Wild Herbs of Britain and Europe
Raven, Evert & Eichhorn, Biology of Plants, 5th ed., 1992
Readers Digest, The Beauty and Splendour of North America
Readers Digest, North American Folk Healing, 1998
Shook, Dr Edward E., Advanced Treatise on Herbology, 1934
Snow, Sheila, The Essence of Essiac, 1993
Snow, Sheila, Old Ontario Remedies, “Rene Caisse, Essiac”
Snow & Allen, “Could Essiac Halt Cancer?”,