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Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye

Titel: Eye for an Eye Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: T F Muir
Vom Netzwerk:
someone did it deliberately?’
    ‘Impossible to say with any certainty, of course. At first, I thought the scar wasn’t straight enough to be done by an axe, for example, but the cat’s face was turned slightly to the side, which exaggerated the scar’s crookedness and when I digitally adjusted the face, the scar looked much straighter. Also, it’s possible that the wound healed in a quite irregular manner.’
    ‘How would that happen?’
    ‘It could have been caused during the healing process itself. The wound could have become infected and reopened, in which case parts of it might have taken longer to heal, causing disfigurement.’
    ‘You seem to have more than a passing knowledge of the medical side of things.’
    ‘My father was a surgeon, Mr Gilchrist. As a boy, I always thought I would follow in his footsteps. Then along came computers.’
    ‘So would you put the cat’s wound down to an accident or not?’
    ‘In my opinion, not,’ said Leighton.
    ‘And you think it might have been hit with an axe?’
    ‘Can’t say.’
    ‘Best guess.’
    ‘An axe, maybe. Or a heavy knife. Someone else might interpret it differently, although I fail to see quite how.’
    ‘Could I have a copy of the enhanced photo?’
    ‘I’ve already returned it,’ Leighton said. ‘I had it couriered to Beth, along with my handwritten observations.’
    Gilchrist thanked Leighton and immediately called Beth, but her answering machine cut in. Next, he called Lafferty’s, but Maggie had not made an appearance and was not expected to return. On a long shot, he tried the Dunvegan, but Maggie was not there either.
    He walked up North Street toward the Cathedral and could tell from a glance at Garvie’s house that she was out, and Maggie was not there either. He checked his watch, surprised to find an hour had passed since he dropped off Tyke. He tried Beth’s number again and felt a flush of concern at the sound of her answering machine. He left no message, and decided to pay her a visit.
    But first, he had to return to the vet’s and settle up.
    The smell of dried food in the reception area somehow reminded him of a plant shop. From the back of the building he heard the whine of a dog, the rattle of a cage. He paid using Old Willie’s money, and could not hold back a chuckle when Tyke was brought from the back, fur trimmed and groomed and carbolic fresh. When Gilchrist put on his lead, Tyke gave a gruffy growl and tugged toward the door, his short tail upright and lively as a fresh dock.
    Gilchrist walked him to Inverlea Cottage, where Tyke sat on his haunches as if waiting to be escorted inside. He tried the door and, just as Liz had said, it was unlocked. He pressed the doorbell and stepped into a tiny vestibule with an inner door of smoked glass. This one was locked, which pleased him. He rapped his knuckles on the glass panel.
    ‘Mrs Cockburn?’ He rapped again. ‘Liz?’
    Moments later, he saw her frail shadow manifest beyond the opaque panel. She fumbled with the key, and when she pulled the door open, her gaze settled on the side of his head.
    ‘Whatever happened?’
    He fingered his left ear. ‘Bumped into a cupboard.’
    ‘Goodness gracious. You must be more careful. Well, in you come, dear. I’ve got some shortbread cooling.’
    Gilchrist held up his hand. ‘I can’t stay.’ He looked down at his feet. ‘You said you liked dogs.’ He held out the lead. ‘His name’s Tyke. And he needs a good home. I can’t think of anywhere better than with you.’
    The sight of Tyke’s scruffy face raised a smile that took years off her. She looked back up at Gilchrist. ‘For me?’
    ‘If you want him.’
    ‘Tyke,’ she said to the old dog. ‘And are you? Are you just a cheeky little tyke?’
    Tyke wagged his tail.
    ‘He’s had a good walk,’ said Gilchrist. ‘It’s time for his nap,’ and handed over the lead. As Liz took it, he pulled out the wad of notes from Old Willie’s flat, pushed them into her hand and folded her fingers over the money.
    ‘That’s to take care of him.’
    Before she could object, he added, ‘From Tyke’s previous master. It’s what he wanted,’ then bent down and scratched Tyke behind the ears. ‘You behave yourself now. Do you hear?’
    With that, Gilchrist stepped back and closed the door behind him.
    A sliver of light seeped from the edge of the velvet curtains in the front bedroom window. Gilchrist glanced at his watch and rang the doorbell. It was too early

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