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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation
Autoren: Reeni Austin
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think me and you better go upstairs, don’t you?”
    Isaac gave her a lazy nod.
    “Good night, Isaac,” Victor said.
    Isaac grinned. “Good night, Bictow. Good night Mommy.”
    Cara smirked at Patty, who wouldn’t look at Cara as she followed Isaac out of the room. Cara knew Patty wasn’t tired. She was just trying to leave her alone with Victor.
    As soon as they left, Victor inched slightly closer to Cara on the sofa. “Looks like I made a new friend tonight.”
    “Yeah. He doesn’t usually take to adults so quickly. Are you around children a lot?”
    “No. Almost never, in fact.” Victor shrugged. “I guess we just click.”
    “Hmm. So, tell me.” She positioned herself so she was facing him. “Did you go to Gary’s house the week you hired him, too?”
    With a weak smile he said, “Uh…no. No, I didn’t.”
    “So, this isn’t normal new employee procedure? Like taking me out to lunch my first day?”
    He undid the first button of his shirt and flexed his neck, trying to get more comfortable. He smiled at her question. “No, not exactly.”
    “Then what are you doing here? Calling my mom, giving my son a present. Hanging out after dinner in this house.” She cocked her head to the side. “What’s your game? Why are you doing this?”
    “Maybe I’m just a nice guy.”
    “No, I don’t think that’s it.”
    He smirked. “Thanks.”
    “That’s not what I meant. What I mean is, I don’t know why you’re being so nice to me. It’s not normal.”
    “Cara.” He looked deep in her eyes. “You’re an intelligent woman. Do I really need to spell it out for you?”
    “Spell out what? That you’re using me to get back at Alexis Whitt?”
    Victor jolted out of his relaxed position and sat up straight. “Whoa. Where the hell’d you get that?”
    “Does it matter? It’s true, isn’t it?”
    He scoffed. “No. Not at all. She and I’ve been over for a while now. We were probably over way before I…Didn’t your mom say there was wine chilling in the fridge?”
    Cara was about to respond when Victor stood and turned in the direction of the kitchen. “Hey!” She followed him.
    He was already turning on the light in the kitchen when she caught up.
    “What are you doing?” she asked.
    “Getting some wine. Patty said to make myself at home. So, I’m making myself at home. I’ll get the wine if you get the glasses. I don’t know where they are.”
    Cara rolled her eyes and opened the cabinet to get one goblet. She set it on the counter with a light clink .
    Victor took the bottle from the refrigerator. “I need a corkscrew.” He squinted at the lone glass on the counter. “Where’s yours?”
    “I don’t want any.”
    “Yeah, you do.” He reached up to the cabinet where he saw Cara get the first goblet. “Corkscrew, please.”
    She groaned and found it in a drawer. “I’m off the clock, you know. I don’t really have to do what you say right now.”
    “And yet, you are.” He picked up the corkscrew, smiling.
    “That’s only because you’re my guest and I don’t wanna be rude.”
    “You, rude?” He narrowed one eye, his tone clearly sarcastic. “Never.”
    She rolled her eyes and looked away as he opened the bottle and poured them each a glass. He handed one to her.
    “For you, senorita ,” he said. “Drink up.”
    Cara felt weak in the knees when she heard the way senorita rolled so effortlessly from his tongue. No man had ever addressed her like that. She took the goblet and raised it to her lips, ready to drink.
    “Oh wait.” He extended his glass to hers. “We didn’t toast.”
    She stopped. “What’s the occasion? To what do we toast?”
    Victor rubbed his jaw, thinking. “Race cars.”
    After a brief hesitation, she laughed.
    “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Did I overstep my bounds with Isaac?”
    She lowered the glass and took a deep breath. “I don’t know…”
    “Are you afraid to let him get attached to me?”
    Her brows knitted as she tried to think of something to say. “Uh…”
    “Is that what happened with his dad? Did he leave you and Isaac?”
    She gulped. “Not exactly. Why are you asking me this? I don’t understand you at all. That’s a very personal question and you barely even know me.”
    Victor watched her eyes as he took a slow sip of his wine. He knew he’d hit a sensitive part of her past. “I have almost no memories of my own father. That’s why I ask. I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable. Why do you
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