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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
always look so anxious around me?”
    Cara cocked her head to the side. “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because my life’s been a roller coaster since I met you? I get fired from one job and laid off from another. Suddenly I’m working for you and I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be doing all day. Oh, and you pop up at my house, give my son gifts, talk to my mom without me knowing about it.” Her eyes were wide. “Why would a guy like you come all the way to Newark to have dinner on a Friday night?”
    “What? All the way to Newark? It’s not that far.” His voice softened. “Has it occurred to you that maybe I simply like you?”
    She fidgeted, tucking her hair behind her ear as her eyes wandered around the room. “No. That’s not possible. I saw the kind of woman you date.”
    Gently, he covered her hand with his. “I don’t know what you heard, but she and I are over. Completely over. And that’s all I’m going to say about it.”
    She wiggled her hand away. “Well, something doesn’t make sense. Men like you are never interested in women like me without having an agenda.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean? Why wouldn’t I be interested in a woman like you? You shouldn’t be so down on yourself.”
    “I’m not down on myself. I’m realistic.”
    He leaned down to her until his face was inches from hers. “You know what? The only thing I find unattractive about you is your attitude about yourself.” He nudged Cara’s wine toward her. “Drink. Loosen up a little.”
    She glared up at him. “Why should I?”
    “Because I’d like to get you drunk and have my way with you.” He laughed, knowing she had no idea whether he was serious.
    She wanted to be stubborn. For a second she imagined throwing her wine in his face and telling him to get lost. But a stronger desire quickly took over. One that made her forget her desperate urge to resist him. With her eyes firmly set on his, she brought the glass to her lips and tipped the bottom of it to the ceiling.
    “More?” he asked.
    Her voice was weak. “Yes.”
    Victor poured more wine for her.
    Cara drank the contents in one swallow.
    He smiled. “Another?”
    “No.” She plunked the goblet down.
    “Good.” Victor put his hand under her chin and tilted her face up to his. “If you make me wait any longer I think I may have to fire you.” And then he bent down and covered her mouth with his. His tongue quickly parted her lips and slipped in between.
    She melted into his arms, unable to control her reaction.
    His hands went to her hair, his fingers trailing through her soft tendrils until he felt the weight of her breasts against him. He instantly pulled her closer and kissed her harder. His hands slid down her back to lift up her blouse.
    She shuddered when she felt the tips of his fingers digging against her body shaper like he wanted to tear it off. But she was too mesmerized by his kiss to be embarrassed. If he was put off by the extra weight she carried, he didn’t show it. His urgent tongue fiercely licked the inside of her lips as his hands worked even lower, slipping under her waistband to the fleshy rise of her backside.
    Damn it , Cara thought. If I’d known he wanted me like this I wouldn’t have worn my shaper.
    She forgot to resist him; she forgot about analyzing his motives. Her body was alive, her senses ignited by his longing for her. It didn’t matter where it came from or how long it would last. She knew she’d be a fool not to let him ravish her.
    As her arms tightly clutched his body she felt one of his hands drift up her back and around her waist, then cupping her breast.
    He pulled away from her for a moment, only long enough for them each to take a breath. Cara couldn’t stop her throat from letting out a deep moan. Victor’s mouth instinctively went back to hers as his hands resumed their exploration.
    That’s when they heard the sound of tiny footsteps enter the kitchen.
    They pulled away from each other with a gasp.
    “Mommy.” Isaac frowned as held his stomach. “Tummy.”
    Cara’s eyes flashed between Isaac and Victor, wondering what her son had seen. She ran to Isaac. “You’re sick?”
    Patty entered the kitchen. “Isaac! Why didn’t you come to my room?” She looked at Cara. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve run out of my bedroom the second I thought I heard his door open. I’ll take care of him.” She glanced at Cara with wide eyes, then took Isaac’s hand and led him out of the
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