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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
Really close.” Cara looked around to make sure Isaac was occupied with toys on the living room floor. She then lowered her voice. “It’s so strange to me. He told me Alexis apologized. She feels bad about everything.”
    “About what, exactly?”
    “All he said was she feels bad about everything .” Cara shrugged. “I don’t know. I assume for all the spying. Harassment. Getting me fired. He was so brief on the phone. Said he was tired.”
    “I can tell you’re worried.” Patty put her hand on Cara’s shoulder. “It’ll be all right. I’m sure he’ll make it up to you soon.”
    “I don’t know. He seemed so distant. He didn’t even say when we’d see each other again.”
    “Don’t do that.” Patty waggled a finger. “Don’t be the needy girlfriend. There’s no better way to scare a man off.”
    “It’s not that , Mom. I don’t need his constant attention.” Cara turned around to watch Isaac. “How stupid am I to get involved with my boss? I could lose everything if he doesn’t want me anymore. He said I shouldn’t be scared. He’d find me another job or whatever. But what if he doesn’t? And what about him ?” She nodded toward Isaac. “He’s already so attached.”
    “I think you’re overreacting. You-know-who had a bad day and he canceled dinner. End of story. Don’t overthink it.”
    Cara’s eyes were still on Isaac. “Justine called me again today.”
    “Justine? In Chicago?”
    “Yeah. Offered me a lot of money to come back. A lot of money.”
    Patty winced. “Oh boy.” She could see in her daughter’s eyes that she was seriously considering the offer. Cara was always too practical. Wise beyond her years. Patty’s eyes welled up at the thought of Cara and Isaac leaving. “I hope you won’t do that.”
    Cara cleared her throat, choking away tears of her own. “I was careless to let myself get so swept away. It’d be different if it was just me but I have a kid to think about. We need security.”
    “But sweetie, nothing’s secure these days. You could take that job and be laid off again.”
    “That could happen here, too. You just said it—nothing’s secure. And at least with Justine, I don’t have to worry about me and my son both getting our hearts broken by my boss.” Cara slid her hand across her cheek to get rid of a tear as she turned to her mom. “Maybe her phone call was perfect timing.”
    Patty stuck her palm to her forehead, her eyes closed. “I have to go finish dinner. Please don’t make any rash decisions. At least sleep on the idea.”
    Cara watched Patty go to the kitchen before sitting on the couch, where she quietly burst into tears. Thankfully, Isaac was too busy crashing toy cars together to notice.

Chapter Sixteen
    Victor placed his hand on Colleen Whitt’s shoulder. “Please let me know if you need anything.” It was the morning after Douglas’s passing, and Victor had dropped by the Whitt estate before beginning the business of the day. He sat alone with her on a plush sofa in the parlor.
    “I will.” She nodded weakly.
    “And again, I’m so sorry I won’t be able to attend the memorial service in Kentucky. I’ve tried to work it out on my calendar—”
    “Shh.” Her eyes narrowed as she patted his hand. “You’ve done enough, Victor. Much more than you should’ve. It means so much to me that you came to the hospital yesterday.” With a sad sigh, she added. “It’s a shame about you and Alexis. Douglas always spoke of you so highly. It did his heart good to see you.” Colleen’s tiny grin faded and she brought a tissue to her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She opened her mouth to speak again when she turned sharply in response to a loud noise from the kitchen. She then rolled her eyes and said, “Caterers. Sounds like they’re tearing the house apart just to set up a small brunch.”
    “You’re having a brunch today?”
    “Yes. To feed the lawyers coming over. There’s so much business to settle.”
    “You should have someone else do that for you. I can make some calls.”
    Colleen sniffled and shook her head. “No. I need to stay busy or I’ll fall apart.” Another sound came from the kitchen as she rose to her feet. “Oh dear.” She gave Victor a frantic look.
    “I’ll show myself out.” Victor stood up and gave her one last small hug. She scurried off toward the kitchen as Victor headed in the opposite direction.
    He was only a few steps from heading out the front door

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