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Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West

Titel: Guardians of the West Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: David Eddings
Vom Netzwerk:
    "It was about three weeks ago," she sobbed. "Poor Brand. That poor, dear man."
    "Do you know where I can find Kail?"
    "He's been working at Brand's desk," she replied. "I don't think he's slept for more than a few hours any night since it happened."
    "Aunt Pol and the others should be along shortly. I'm going to talk with Kail. Would you bring them as soon as they get here?"
    "Of course, dear." she replied, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
    "We'll talk later," he said. "Right now I've got to find out what happened."
    "Garion," she said gravely, "they were Chereks."
    "That's what I'd heard," he said, "and that's why I've got to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible."
    The corridors of the Citadel were muted and oddly silent. As Garion strode toward that group of rooms in the west wing from which Brand had always conducted the day-to-day business of the kingdom, the servants and functionaries he encountered bowed soberly and stood aside for him.
    Kail was dressed in deepest black, and his face was gray with fatigue and deep sorrow. The orderly stacks of documents on the top of Brand's heavy desk, however, gave evidence that despite his grief he had been working not only at his own duties but at his father's as well. He looked up as Garion entered the room and started to rise.
    "Don't," Garion said. "We have too much to do for formalities." He looked at his weary friend. "I'm sorry, Kail," he said sadly. "I'm more sorry than I can possibly tell you."
    "Thank you, your Majesty."
    Garion sank into the chair across the desk from him, his own weariness coming over him in a wave. "I haven't been able to get any details," he said. "Could you tell me exactly what happened?"
    Kail nodded and leaned back in his chair. "It was about a month ago," he began, "not long after you left for Drasnia. A trade deputation from King Anheg arrived. All their credentials seemed to be in order, but they were a bit vague about exactly what the purpose of their visit was. We extended them the customary courtesies, and most of the time they stayed in the rooms we assigned them. Then, late one night, my father had been discussing some matters with Queen Ce'Nedra and was on his way back to his own quarters when he encountered them in the corridor leading to the royal apartments. He asked if he could help them, and they attacked him without any warning whatsoever." Kail stopped, and Garion could see his jaws tightly clenched. He drew in a deep breath -and passed one weary hand across his eyes. "Your Majesty, my father wasn't even armed. He did his best to defend himself, and he was able to call for help before they cut him down. My brothers and I ran to his aid along with several of the Citadel guards -and we all did our best to capture the assassins, but they absolutely refused to surrender." He frowned. "It was almost as if they were deliberately throwing their lives away. We had no choice but to kill them."
    "All of them?" Garion asked with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
    "All but one," Kail replied. "My brother, Brin, hit him across the back of the head with the butt of an axe. He's been unconscious ever since."
    "Aunt Pol's with me," Garion said. "She'll wake him -if anybody can." His face went bleak. "And when he does wake up, he and I are going to have a little talk."
    "I want some answers, too," Kail agreed. He paused, his face troubled. "Belgarion, they carried a letter from King Anheg. That's why we let them into the Citadel."
    "I'm sure there's a logical explanation."
    "I have the letter. It's over his seal and his signature."
    "I've called a meeting of the Alorn Council," Garion told him. "As soon as Anheg gets here, we'll be able to clear this up."
    "If he comes," Kail added somberly.
    The door opened quietly, and Ce'Nedra led the others into the room.
    "All right," Belgarath said crisply, "Let's see if we can sort this out. Did any of them survive?"
    "One, Ancient One," Kail replied, "but he's unconscious."
    "Where is he?" Polgara asked.
    "We put him in a room in the north tower, my Lady. The physicians have been tending his injuries, but they haven't been able to revive him yet."
    "I'll go at once," she said.
    Errand crossed the room to where Kail sat and wordlessly laid a sympathetic hand on the young Rivan's shoulder. Kail's jaws clenched again, and tears suddenly welled up in his eyes.
    "They had a letter from Anheg, Grandfather." Garion told the old man. "That's how they got inside the

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