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Hit Man

Hit Man

Titel: Hit Man Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Lawrence Block
Vom Netzwerk:
than his heart could handle.”
    She gave him a look. “If I had to guess,” she said, “I’d have to say potassium cyanide.”
    “Good guess.”
    “Switched salt shakers with him. The one I gave him had cyanide crystals mixed in with the top layer of salt. He used a lot of salt.”
    “They say it’s bad for you. Wouldn’t he taste the cyanide?”
    “The amount of salt he used, I don’t think he could taste the meat. I’m not sure how much taste cyanide has. Anyway, by the time it occurs to you that you don’t like the way it tastes—”
    “You’re facedown in the lasagna. Cyanide’s not traceless, is it? Won’t it show up in an autopsy?”
    “Only if you look for it.”
    “And if they look in the salt cellar?”
    “When Dinsmore had his attack,” he said, “a few people hurried over to see if they could help.”
    “Decent of them. You don’t suppose one of them picked up the salt cellar?”
    “It wouldn’t surprise me.”
    “And got rid of it somewhere between the restaurant and the airport?”
    “That wouldn’t surprise me either.”
    He went upstairs to make his report. When he came downstairs again Dot said, “Keller, I’m going to start worrying about you. I think you’re going soft.”
    “There was only one reason to pick up the salt cellar.”
    “So they wouldn’t find the cyanide,” he said.
    She shook her head. “If they ever start looking for cyanide, they’ll find it on the uneaten food. No, you figured they wouldn’t find it, and somebody else would use that salt and get poisoned accidentally.”
    “No point in drawing heat for no reason,” he said.
    “No sense in killing people for free, either.”
    “Oh, I couldn’t agree with you more, Keller,” she said, “but I still say you’re going soft. Centering in your heart choker and all.”
    “Chakra,” he said.
    “I stand corrected. What’s it mean, anyway?”
    “I have no idea.”
    “You will soon enough, now that you’re centered there. Keller, you’re turning human. Getting that dog was just the start of it. Next thing you know you’ll be saving the whales. You’ll be taking in strays, Keller. You watch.”
    “That’s ridiculous,” he said. But on the train back to the city he found himself thinking about what she had said. Was there any truth to it?
    He didn’t think so, but he wasn’t absolutely sure. He’d have to talk it over with Nelson.

    Keller's Karma
    I n White Plains, Keller sat in the kitchen with Dot for twenty minutes. The TV was on, tuned to one of the home shopping channels. “I watch all the time,” Dot said. “I never buy anything. What do I want with cubic zirconium?”
    “Why do you watch?”
    “That’s what I ask myself, Keller. I haven’t come up with the answer yet, but I think I know one of the things I like most about it. It’s continuous.”
    “Uninterrupted. They never break the flow and go to a commercial.”
    “But the whole thing’s a commercial,” Keller said.
    “That’s different,” she said.
    A buzzer sounded. Dot picked up the intercom, listened a moment, then nodded significantly at Keller.
    He went upstairs, and he was with the old man for ten or fifteen minutes. On his way out he stopped in the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. He stood at the sink and took his time drinking it. Dot was shaking her head at the television set. “It’s all jewelry,” she said. “Who buys all this jewelry? What do they want with it?”
    “I don’t know,” he said. “Can I ask you something?”
    “Ask away.”
    “Is he all right?”
    “I just wondered.”
    “Did you hear something?”
    “No, nothing like that. He seems tired, that’s all.”
    “Everybody’s tired,” she said. “Life’s a lot of work and it tires people out. But he’s fine.”
    Keller took a train to Grand Central, a cab to his apartment. Nelson met him at the door with the leash in his mouth. Keller laughed, fastened the leash to the dog’s collar. He had calls to make, a trip to schedule, but that could wait. Right now he was going to take his dog for a walk.
    He headed over to the river. Nelson liked it there, but then Nelson seemed to like it everywhere. He certainly had a boundless enthusiasm for long walks. He never ran out of gas. You could exhaust yourself walking him, and he’d be ready to go again ten minutes later.
    Of course you had to keep in mind that he had twice as many legs as a

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