Immortals After Dark 06 - Dark Desires After Dusk
rain, until they climbed above it.
The sun had set, and the full moon had begun to rise by the time they came upon a perimeter fence. Metal spikes pointed outward like old-fashioned bulwarks, yet he could see that they were fastened to gears. Cade suspected that they would move if disturbed.
The front gate was towering and complex. One section rolled on a rail to the side, and another could be raised and lowered. When the truck was directly in front of it, the two components opened to allow just enough space for him to ease through, then both closed inches from his back bumper.
They were in. Minutes till show time.
“There’s no way Wendigo can get past that gate. You can relax now,” he said, inwardly wincing.
This part of the drive seemed endless to Cade. His hands were damp on the steering wheel, and at every instant, he was tempted to turn around.
But he didn’t turn around, instead parking in front of two colossal entry doors. Made of iron, they stood at least a couple of stories high and were flanked by flaming torches the size of a man.
When Cade grabbed his sword sheath to strap over his back, she raised her brows. “Just in case we have to depart quick-like.”
The noise from the waterfall was deafening when they got out of the truck. Immediately, those doors groaned open, seeming of their own accord.
“You ready?” he asked, having to raise his voice over the sound.
“Ready to get this over with!”
When he and Holly entered the empty hall, no one greeted them. The doors eased shut behind them, just as another opened across the bailey. They had no choice but to follow the path available, leading them deeper toward the heart of the castle. Their footsteps echoed on the stone floor.
As much as Cade despised Groot, the military part of Cade’s mind couldn’t help but be impressed with the design of the castle. The layout was a defensive dream.
Five baileys had been built in an X formation, all connected to the largest tower in the center by narrow walkways. Only one bailey was on land. The other four were constructed on man-made piers or natural pediments in the water.
If Groot were attacked, he could destroy the walkway from the land bailey, and the others would be unreachable.
Even if an enemy decided to approach by water, at least two of the baileys would prove unassailable because they lay at the direct edge of the waterfall. The strength of the current would make them impossible to near.
An attack by air wouldn’t work. The forge vented smoke so dense it would cloak the castle from above.
When they passed through the far door, it led them outside to a walkway over the water, connecting to the forge. Cade glanced over the stone balustrade. Beneath them, the silt-laden water dropped at least four hundred feet down, churning in monstrous eddies and spitting up foam. The din was so loud he would have to yell to be heard.
In the main tower, the forge had large bay doors that opened up like a warehouse. The area was filled with blacksmith tools: tongs, pincers, and an anvil as big as a car. An immense furnace blazed. Directly across from the forge opening was a crenellated parapet wall.
Inside the main keep they entered a long, dimly lit hall. All along the walls, he saw glowing white eyes, like penlights covered with a milky film. He smelled the stench of rot.
“What are they?” Holly whispered.
“Revenants,” he grated. Imatra had said they’d be here. His jaw clenched. She’d neglected to mention that there would be hundreds of them.
“I thought only evil sorcerers raised them from the dead,” Holly said.
“Standard sorcerer issue,” Cadeon answered. “They all use them.”
The revenants’ skin was putrid, their bodies in varying stages of decomposition, and they each had a disgusting metal spike shoved into their temple. “What’s with those spikes?”
“I don’t know,” Cade murmured. “I’ve never seen that before.”
The opening and closing of doors finally ushered them into a study with plush rugs, rich wood paneling, and an inviting fire. The cozy room looked as if it was missing an Englishman with a pipe, reading classics aloud.
Still, she said, “I thoroughly don’t like this place.”
“Me neither, pet.”
Minutes later, a towering, muscular man strolled in, followed by six revenants.
“Groot?” Cadeon asked in an incredulous tone.
She understood his disbelief. Holly had pictured Groot as a fragile, white-haired wizard, straight out
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