Jack the Ripper: The Hand of a Woman
Emmons, Dr Robert, The Life and Opinions of Walter Richard Sickert (London: Faber and Faber, 1941)
Evans, Ruth, John Williams 1840-1926 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1952)
Farson, Daniel, Jack the Ripper (London: Michael Joseph, 1972)
Fishman, William J., East End 1888 (London: Hanbury, 2001)
Hamil, John, The Craft: A History of English Freemasonry (London: Lewis Masonic, 1994)
Hughes, Stephen, Copperopolis: Landscapes Early Industrial Period Swansea (Aberystwyth: Royal Commission, 2005)
Jackson, Wray, The Story of a London Fog (London: James Nisbet and Co. 1888)
Jakubowski, Maxim and Nathan Braund, The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper (Philadelphia: Running Press, 2008)
Jones, Iorwerth H., ‘The Medical Aspect of the Life of Sir John Williams’ (Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales, Journal Vol. IX/2, Winter 1955)
Knight, Stephen, Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (London: Collins Publishing Group, 1976)
Lee, Harper, To Kill a Mockingbird (Washington: Heldref Publications, 1960)
Leeson, Benjamin, Lost London (London: Stanley Paul & Co, 1934) Lily, Marjorie, Sickert, The Painter and His Circle (London: Elek Books, 1971)
Morris, Byron Vincent, ‘Stone lays foundation for Victorian Journey’ ( South Wales Evening Post , 14 May 2001)
Odell, Robin, Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction (Oxford: Mandrake, 2008)
Peat, David, Dictionary of Murder and Detection (Ottawa: Deneau, 1984)
Robinson, John R. Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry (London: Century, 1990)
Rumbelow, Donald, The Complete Jack the Ripper (London: W.H. Allen, 1987)
Russell, R., London Fogs (London: Edward Stanford, 1880)
Spencer, Herbert, ‘Obituary’, The Lancet (London: University College Hospital, Vol. XV, September 1926)
Stewart, William, Jack the Ripper: A New Theory (London: Quality Press, 1939)
Sugden, Philip, The Complete History of Jack the Ripper (London: Constable and Robinson Ltd, 2002)
Whittington-Egan, Richard, A Casebook on Jack the Ripper (London: Wiley, 1976)
Williams, Tony (with Humphrey Price), Uncle Jack (London: Orion, 2005)
Daily Telegraph
Illustrated Police News
Pall Mall Gazette
South Wales Evening Post
The Daily News
The Independent
The New York Times
The South Wales Chronicle
The Star
The Times
Jones, Richard, Casebook: Jack the Ripper (www.casebook.org)
Kelly, Barry (www.carewkelly.ie)
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© John Morris, 2012
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