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Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

Titel: Light in the Shadows Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: A. Meredith Walters
Vom Netzwerk:
Jake Fitzsimmons?  I arched my eyebrow.
                     “Sorry buddy, I don’t know who the hell you are.” I was way past caring how rude I sounded.  This guy was rubbing me the wrong way.
                  Jake smirked as though he knew he was getting to me.  “Maggie’s friend,” he expanded and then it all clicked.  Jake Fitzsimmons.  Daniel’s friend who spent way too much time sniffing around my girl.  Now I knew why my appearance had him looking as though he had swallowed glass.  He had always had a hard on for Maggie.  And it was pretty apparent that hadn’t changed.  Had this fucking douche moved in as soon as I was out of the picture?  Shit, was Maggie with this guy now?
                    She hadn’t said anything about a boyfriend, but that didn’t mean anything.  We hadn’t exactly exchanged full details about the last three months.  I felt like punching the red headed coffee slinging monkey straight in his obnoxious face. 
                    “Ah okay.  You’re the guy who’s all about the sloppy seconds, right?” Yeah, that was a messed up thing to say, but he was flicking my rage switch with his bony finger. 
                    Jake snorted.  “Sloppy seconds, huh?  No, there’s nothing sloppy about it.” Okay, that was it, I was going to come across the counter and pound his skull into the floor.  I had tucked my wallet back into my pocket and braced my hands on the counter when a hand grabbed me by the upper arm.
                    “Cool it, Jake.  Just get the man his coffee and stop being an ass about it.”  I grit my teeth, pissed that it looked as though I would have to reschedule kicking the shit out of Jake Fucking Fitzsimmons for another day. 
                    “He’s not getting any, Clay, sloppy or otherwise, so just calm the fuck down, alright?”  I wrenched my arm out of Daniel’s grip and took a deep, steadying breath.  I didn’t say anything, just waited for my coffee.
                    Jake came back and shoved the Styrofoam cup across the counter, sloshing hot liquid all over the surface.  “And that’s on the house, right?” Daniel said, clearly irritated with his buddy.  Jake gave a curt nod and walked away to help another customer.  He hadn’t given me my damn croissant but decided I’d made enough of a scene for one day.
                    I picked up the drink and took a sip, the bitter coffee soothing my jangled nerves.  I looked at Daniel and he was watching me as though waiting for me to pounce or something.  I held up my free hand in a placating gesture.  “I’ll keep my hands to myself, I promise,” I said begrudgingly. 
                  Daniel shrugged.  “I wouldn’t blame you for beating his face in.  Jake was being a prick.  But he’s wanted in Maggie’s pants for years.  And with you out of the picture he thought he had a shot.  Now you’ve shown back up and he has to get all girly about it.  Don’t take anything he says seriously.  He’s just got a bad case of PMS going on.” 
      Huh.  This was the most Daniel and I had said to each other…well ever.  He had never hidden the fact that he didn’t trust me, so him coming to my defense was surprising.
      “Well thanks for the assist and all,” I said; ready to get the hell out of there.  Coming to Java Madness was a massive mistake.  All I had ended up with was high blood pressure and a shitty cup of coffee.
                    “Clay, you got a minute?” Daniel called out just before I walked out the door.  I should have seen that one coming.  It was time for the you hurt my friend and I break your legs conversation.  We’d had that same talk several times in the past. I guess Daniel felt it necessary to have a refresher course.
                    “Sure.”  I went and sat down at a table near the window, trying to force down more coffee.  It really was crap.  I bet Jake I’ve-got-my-panties-in-a-bunch Fitzsimmons spit in it.  Asshole.  I pushed the cup away from me and crossed my arms over my chest.  Daniel flipped his cellphone over and over again in his hand.
                    “First of all, I really am sorry about Lisa.  She was really nice and all.  Even though I only met her the one time, she seemed cool,” Daniel said directly.  One thing I had

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