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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
which was pleasantly enveloped in its entirety by a warmer, rougher hand. "I may be able to get Winston out of there." He nodded his head towards the pile of lumber without breaking eye contact. He wasn't blind, after all.
    "Nate Daniels." He held Jordan's hand a little longer—the universal sign for 'ooh, pretty'—before releasing him. "And I'll be impressed if you can."
    Jordan could only hope to impress. He walked deliberately to a spot he knew the dog would be able to spot him. "Winston." He pulled out his Master-of-all-Animals Voice. "Come."
    The grunt could be heard from where he stood, but it meant the beast was moving. He slowly walked towards Jordan, stubby tail wagging in what, for Winston, belied ecstasy, even as it probably appeared to the ordinary bystander to be downright sluggish.
    Jordan heard Nate and Mrs. Miller approaching behind him, but he kept his attention on the dog, encouraging him with his firm but gentle tone. "That's a boy." He knelt to greet the dog, who nudged him under the chin with his wet nose and chuffed in his face. Jordan laughed and stood, not at all surprised to feel the dog's heavy belly on his feet and his warm back pressed to his shins.
    Jordan grinned at Nate and shot him a cheeky wink. "So? What do I win?" He teased, and then started with surprise when Winston grumbled low in his throat.
    Nate didn't hear the dog, or he chose to ignore him. He laughed, all twinkling eyes and engaging as could be. "How 'bout dinner?"
    "How 'bout no ."
    They turned in surprise at the angry voice. Standing barely within hearing distance now stood a tightly compact young man, flashing daggers with his bright blue eyes, and beside him stood a decidedly neutral-faced Cal. Jordan was inordinately happy to see the chocolate eyes he'd been dreaming about only a few short hours ago. They must have just entered the yard from the building because they sure hadn't been there when Jordan arrived. The appeal of the beefy manager faded significantly, all of the sudden.
    "Doctor," Cal drawled, sharp eyes quickly taking in the scene before him as his eyebrow rose. "Are we interrupting?"
    "I..." Jordan glanced again at the fuming young blond facing off against the giant who apparently stood too close to Jordan. "I'm actually not sure," he said before turning inquiring eyes towards Nate.
    "Er. Everything okay here, Nate?" Jordan seemed to snap the dumbstruck man out of his stupor. Shaking his head, Nate blinked at Jordan before smiling. The wide smile created charming laugh lines and dimples and showed his nice white teeth. It also caused simultaneous growls from Winston and the younger man, whose face flushed red with anger.
    "No. It's not okay." All eyes flew once again to the slightly built man.
    "Take it easy, pipsqueak." Jordan winced when the hot blue eyes darted back to Nate.
    "Good God, man." Jordan hissed. "Don't make it worse!"
    Nate clapped him on the shoulder hard enough to unbalance him. "Can't really make it any worse," he chuckled, and then stepped around him to stalk—there could be no better description—towards the fiery blond. He draped an arm over the young man, who resisted mightily but was no match against the sheer mass he fought. "This little spitfire is Alex." He leaned towards Jordan, still grinning all over the place. "I think he's jealous."
    Alex shouldered himself out from under the muscled arm only because he was allowed. "I am not." He tried valiantly not to pout, Jordan could tell. It was adorable, actually. "I was just coming to get you to help this guy, er, gentleman, and saw this sh..., er, business going down with the dog."
    Damned if he wasn't a sweet little catch. Jordan had to admire the tight body paired with shiny blond hair, nice lips, and gorgeous eyes. And caught he was, if Jordan was reading this whole thing correctly.
    He raised an eyebrow at Cal, who sidled up next to him and murmured, "We were on our way to fencing supplies when he spotted you all out here. Little dude took off like a rocket." He nodded towards the arguing men. "Got here just in time to hear the invitation to dinner."
    "Yeah, doesn't look like that's going to happen." Jordan laughed.
    "But it would have?" Cal's mouth snapped shut with an audible clacking of teeth. "Never mind. It's none of my business." He grumbled, leaning down to pat Winston who was, now that Nate was gone and Cal was there, completely uninterested in the trivial human drama going on around him. Except that he had now

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