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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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Jordan's arrival, but Lee remained motionless where he stood.
    "It looked to Winston like Lee here was flirting with Cal—"
    "I was only offering to help! It's my job!" Lee defended himself, though Jordan thought he looked a bit like he'd been caught with a hand in the cookie jar.
    "—and Winston didn't like it one bit." Mrs. Miller finished as if the poor kid hadn't spoken a word.
    "Lee." Jordan turned to him, the Adult in Charge taking control. "Why don't you go ahead and get back to work."
    "She," he tipped his head towards Mrs. Miller. "She told me to wait here."
    "And so you have." Jordan clapped him on the shoulder, turning him none too subtly away from the dog. He deliberately did not react to the growl that came from behind him. "We're good now. You go ahead."
    Lee hesitated only a second longer before scurrying away. Jordan returned his attention to Cal, who was staring at him as if he'd somehow orchestrated the entire ordeal. The second the boy was out of their sight the dog relaxed heavily onto Cal's boots.
    "Winston." Jordan commanded the dog with his tone and a single pat on his leg. The lazy dog sighed, but levered himself up, lumbering over to plop himself right back down on Jordan instead. Jordan smiled at Cal. The man was flushed and obviously riled, but he stood there with that little pup curled against him all protective-like and it completely ruined the effect. Not that Jordan was going to be the dumb-ass to tell him that. Besides, he was just so thrilled to see Cal's face again he couldn't have stopped smiling if he'd tried.
    "Picking up boys at the pet store, are we?" Jordan couldn't help provoking him.
    "I was not," Cal spat. "This damn cretin just hurled himself into me. Again." Jordan would never have been able to explain why the dark-eyed man's ire was so damn appealing to him. "I was trying to find a few things and the kid offered to help. It is his job, you know."
    Jordan's grin just grew. "Relax, Cal. I was only teasing." He nudged the dog from his feet and snatched the leash from the floor. Walking much closer to Cal than necessary, he whispered, " Stay ." Then, ignoring Cal's quick intake of breath, he handed the dog over to Mrs. Miller and nudged her gently on her way. When he turned back he had to laugh at the stunned look on Cal's face.
    "You... just ordered me to stay ." He looked and sounded incredulous. But Jordan hadn't imagined that reaction and he certainly wasn't imagining the thickening behind the man's snug—and growing snugger—jeans.
    "I did." Jordan agreed, stepping closer and speaking quietly. "And you did."
    Jordan was fascinated, watching Cal's mouth work before sound finally came out. "Only because I was stunned stupid that you actually used your dog voice on me!"
    Jordan was truly enjoying himself. "It was supposed to be funny, Cal." He tilted his head and waited while Cal studied him. When he finally relaxed—marginally—Jordan figured he believed him. Or at least realized he couldn't prove him a liar.
    "Well it wasn't." Cal huffed and turned his back to Jordan, staring at the huge array of collars hanging on the racks, though Jordan was confident he wasn't seeing them.
    Jordan chuckled and stepped close behind the man, chest brushing against his broad back, making sure Cal felt his breath on his neck. "I'll call you later."
    Cal didn't say a word, but Jordan could feel the tension radiating off him in waves. Confident he'd successfully rattled him, he turned and left Cal to his thoughts. Of which there were obviously many.
    Jordan and Thomas were just finishing their run the following Saturday morning. Despite several nights of little sleep, he felt energized and younger than he had in years. He'd been calling Cal every night, slowly working through the man's initial resistance until he gave in and talked. It had been like pulling teeth at first, but Cal was ever so slowly opening up and Jordan was falling deeper and deeper into his fascination with the enigmatic man. He would suffer endless nights of raging erections and disruptive dreams if that's what it took.
    He let his instincts lead him. It worked for the animals, after all, right? Random texts during the day and the phone calls at night hadn't gotten Cal to share much more than the basics but he was getting a definite feel for the man. And every scrap Cal offered left Jordan craving more.
    His own growing needs had him pushing even harder at work, at the gym, waking at ridiculous times of the

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