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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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back when he reached the outer fence and was rewarded with the sight of Cal still standing there staring after him. He couldn't read his face from there, but the fact that he remained was good enough for now.
    The day dragged by in an excruciating loop of visuals. Cal pounding posts into the ground for his fence, wearing nothing but tight, faded jeans and a low-slung tool belt. Cal perspiring in the afternoon sun, stopping to douse himself (in slow motion, naturally) with a somehow bottomless bottle of water. Eternally grateful for the shapeless length of his lab coat, Jordan suffered through his imaginings half hard the entire morning.
    By the time Jordan had ushered out the last minute drop-in and finished his paperwork, his half-day had lasted until late afternoon. Finally, though, he was on his way. He was as anxious to see his boy as he'd been on his first date. Jordan froze with his hand on the key in the ignition. He'd just thought of Cal as his boy. And judging by the beat of his heart and the swelling of his cock, he liked the idea a whole lot.
    Several miles out of town, the foliage thickened and the earth seemed to quiet. Jordan turned the radio off and slowed to take the turn that would wind him through woods just beginning to hint at the green to come. He realized he barely remembered the drive beyond automatic turns and stopping at reds. His mind had been consumed with highly adult-rated daydreams involving a particularly handsome carpenter.
    The former plantation-style house stood somewhat worn but strong, stately and white, columns and wraparound porch included. It looked ready for Cal's crew, half surrounded by scaffolding.
    Around the back of the house and beyond the stables that had been converted to modern garages years ago, a small forest bordered the estate. Just beyond was the overgrown drive that led to the old caretaker's cottage. Cottage being a relative term, in this case, since it referred to a house easily big enough for a small family.
    He parked next to the older model sedan Kody drove and studied the house. Barely out of the vehicle before the front door flew open, Jordan squinted against the sun. He grinned at Cal's grandmother, wondering how this seventy-six-year-old woman managed to somehow combine regal authority with bohemian love child and make it work.
    Nina smiled warmly and trotted down the steps as spry as a twenty-year-old. Warm, thin hands clasped Jordan's as he bent to receive a quick kiss on his cheek. "Nina." He held her arms wide. "You look amazing, as always."
    "Oh, hush now." But she was beaming. "I was so thrilled to see Thomas and his friend show up to help Cal with the fence, I couldn't resist the chance to bring some treats down. That son of yours is more handsome every time I see him."
    "Judging by his cell phone bill, you're not the only one who thinks that," Jordan laughed. "How's Brutus settling in?"
    "Oh, we just call him B." She laughed and wrapped her hand around Jordan's elbow, directing him around the house. "Brutus was just too big a name for the little thing."
    "B. That's cute." He hid his frown, wondering why Cal wouldn't have mentioned that. He shook his head. It was strange, the things Cal kept to himself, as if releasing them would be handing over just that little bit too much of himself.
    They entered through the open door into a freshly remodeled house decorated in soothing earth tones. He immediately felt welcome. His eyes lifted to the loft, the space lit brightly by sun shining through a window he couldn't see. Hardwood floors gleamed in the open design. It was inviting and comfortable. "Cal must feel quite at home here."
    "I think he does." Nina glanced around with a keen eye, obviously pleased with the results. But then she sighed, and Jordan caught a hint of sadness in it.
    "Well, I'll leave you here." She moved towards the entrance. "You'll find him out the kitchen door."
    "You're not staying?" Jordan asked, a little puzzled that she would leave.
    "He sees me enough," she answered with a smile. "He needs company other than my old bones."
    Jordan laughed. "It's always good seeing you, Nina."
    "You too, dear." She left quietly and Jordan glanced around the room, eyes returning to the loft, imagining a naked Cal bathed in that golden light, before heading towards the kitchen.
    The sight before him was his wet dream come true. Cal was, in fact, bare-chested in his torn and dirty jeans. A tool belt did, in fact, hang low on his hips,

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