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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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he wants. He wasn't giving Cal any room to doubt him. He framed Cal's face in his hands, holding him still so he could finally taste the man who'd been tormenting him so sweetly.
    The first brush of lips brought matching sighs. Cal's eyes fluttered closed, and his lips parted. Jordan tilted his head and melded their mouths together, gently at first, lingering over the smooth, soft skin, but he couldn't help himself. He pressed closer, harder, needing more. Cal's mouth opened under his, and he drove his tongue inside, tangling with Cal's, tasting him, consuming him.
    Cal remained passive only a moment before he was meeting Jordan's kisses with his own. Jordan groaned when Cal's tongue came for him. They battled and retreated and teased and tormented. Cal's hands gripped Jordan's hips and pulled their bodies closer. Jordan slid one hand into Cal's hair, tangling roughly in it to hold him while he plundered. His other arm banded tightly around Cal's firm waist to grind their groins together. Their bodies seemed to move of their own accord, thrusting together, seeking more and more.
    Jordan finally had to pull away, gasping for air and clenching his jaw, fighting hard for control. Resting his forehead against Cal's, he gave a breathless chuckle and murmured, "Holy God, I just about came in my pants like a damn teen—"
    They gasped simultaneously, immediately coming to their senses. Lifting their heads they scanned the yard looking for Thomas and Kody. Finding only an empty lawn and a half-done fence, Jordan remembered the boys had left them alone. They relaxed somewhat and Jordan turned his attention to Cal's neck, licking the salty sweat and humming in approval before brushing his mouth again with his own.
    "Gawd. Aren't you done yet?" Thomas's voice rang with humor and Jordan raised his eyes to see him standing in the doorway. He didn't move away from Cal. He wasn't willing to let go just yet, so he held him close when he was sure the man would have bolted. Probably better for innocent eyes if they waited a minute anyway.
    The two boys had fresh sodas in their hands, and Thomas snuggled a content B against his shoulder. Kody stared slack-jawed, and Jordan tipped his head in his direction, indicating to Thomas he should take care of that.
    Thomas glanced over at his friend and laughed, chucking him under the chin with his can to remind him to close his mouth.
    "Oh. My. God." Kody breathed. Jordan braced himself, feeling Cal tense even more beneath his hands. Cal dropped his head back and closed his eyes with a pained groan. Waiting. Jordan waited too, but did not in his wildest dreams expect to hear, "That was so hot ."
    Thomas snorted loudly and elbowed the shorter, lighter boy through the door. "Dude, shut up. That's my dad." But his eyes were a little extra bright, and he met Jordan's gaze with a look shining with approval and pride.
    Kody blushed to the roots of his hair, but he still stared. "I don't care, man. That was the hottest thing I've ever seen." He bounced on the balls of his feet. "Do it again?"
    Jordan was still waiting to do it again several hours later. He paced the floor of his kitchen, eyeing the lowering sun and wondering if he'd been stood up. Cal had kicked him out, refusing to let him help, promising that he and the teens would finish up for the day and meet him here for dinner. Jordan was thrilled to have him in his home. Or he would be if he ever showed up.
    "Relax, Dad. He'll be here." Thomas came into the kitchen and stuck his head in the fridge. He emerged with two bottles of water tucked in his arm. He disappeared again and reappeared with a handful of baby carrots, one already caught between his teeth. Jordan had stopped for a few groceries and come home to shower and prepare the steaks he was going to grill.
    He'd been followed shortly by Thomas and Kody, both of whom were also freshly showered now. The three of them padded bare-footed around the house in assorted shades of jeans and t-shirts.
    Jordan caught sight of Kody hovering in the doorway. "C'mon in, Kody. Something to drink?" He was doing his best to ignore the curious way Kody watched him, desperately hoping the kid would get over it quickly.
    Thomas tossed Kody a bottle of water and shoved him out the door, hissing not at all quietly, "Knock it off, dude. You're creeping out my dad."
    "I can't help it, T, he's so..." Kody's voice faded, thankfully. Jordan snorted, amused but relieved. He'd heard enough, and it was time to

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