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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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nostrils and, as my toes curled upwards and my body trembled and arched, I moaned and marvelled and dug my fingers into the wool.
    "Drew," I yelled. "Drew, stop, I'm gonna blow. Stop," I yelled again. "Stop, oh my, stop, I can't hold—" I bellowed as I pushed the back of my head deep into the wool and closed my eyes to the dizziness of stars and flashes and comets, as supercharged electrical pulses surged, and the dyke broke and the cum gushed, and my arms flayed and legs kicked and locked around him.
    I came to, flushed, breathing hoarsely, feeling a drum band banging my head and then felt that unbelievable sensation of Drew's mouth still stuck on my cock. I looked down to see his cheeks sucked in, feeling my dick being pulled to the back of his mouth, to suck every drop of jizz outta ya , he told me later. He smiled his brilliant smile, and wiped the back of his wrist and hand across his mouth, saying it was the best juice he'd ever tasted.
    In the early hours of the morning, I lay on my side gazing at Drew's sleeping pose, admiring his magnificent body, his god-almighty beautiful face and his awesome cock. I moved closer to peer at it in the wan light, stretching closer, wondering if I ever could, if I could get over the mental block caused by that inhumane bastard. I peered closer, wondering if I could suck his cock and give to him the fucking huge, absolutely colossal, dynamically awesome time he gave me tonight, simply by sucking my cock. I'm thankful I relented and let him introduce me to the amazing experience, and thankful again that I could, by picturing his stunning face in my mind all the time up until the fireworks started, instead of that animal's. I wondered if I should try, laying my head on his chest and cupping his cock and balls in my hand. As the feelers of sleep drugged my mind, I pondered if I could face his cock at my lips.
    I looked forward to the Easter break, which coincided with the end of my recuperation and need to return to Orange to see Harry and check over the property and help where I could on their hobby farm. As Jim showed Drew's brother, Ross, around the farm, I grabbed the opportunity to show Drew around the orchard and point out the house from a distance, not wanting to go near my mother. We met the Bethwaites and visited Paddles and the hideout, which needed tidying after the previous occupant and police searches. When finished we sat on the mattress, dangling our legs over the edge of the floor, our shirts off to soak in the Autumn sun, hardly chatting, just enjoying the moment. Fifteen minutes later he pulled me back and hugged and kissed me. Before long we tossed and turned naked on the mattress, our minds cherishing the pleasures of our hands stimulating our cocks to awesome, explosive, brain-draining orgasms.
    In the quiet of the after-glow, as fingers traced along nose features, lips and other favourite body bits, I looked into his eyes and sighed. "Drew, I've something on my mind I want to raise with you. I've been thinking about this matter most days lately, while you've been at Uni."
    "Okay, shoot."
    I leaned and kissed him, then kneeled to face him and stroked his face and hair. "I know I struggle with some things in daily life. I know I speak strangely at times and don't co-ordinate well other times, and don't know a lot that I should, making me wonder whether I'm good enough for you. But I know I'm a genuine person, and honest and trustworthy and sincere because I'm a country boy and that's how real country boys should be, as true as the earth. I love the land, like Dad did, and can never see myself leaving it, because the country's in my blood, which seems, in my mind, to make the future uncertain between us.
    "I say this because you're a Sydney boy, involved in your city activities and going to university to follow in your dad's footsteps to become a big-time lawyer. I'll just continue being a simple country bloke, in charge of my own land and business now, with more to add after the deal with the Bethwaites is settled, which means I can never move away to live somewhere else unless I give up my heritage, which I will never do, as you know. So I don't see how we can live together in the future, but I hope something happens that makes it possible. I hope we won't face a sad parting."
    I crooked a finger to his lips and he kissed it, held my hand and rose up to cup my face and kiss my lips, then leaned back and looked into my eyes. "I love you as you are,

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