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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
Cory inhaled deeply into the crook of the other man's neck, wondering what that delicious smell he wore was. It seemed to have a soothing effect on him, now. He inhaled, again.
    "So," Cory said when he felt relatively calm once more. "I was wondering if you might want to go out with me some time."
    TJ laughed, burying his face in Cory's neck. "I think I'd like that."
    At nine sharp, TJ knocked briskly on the lion house door. He was trying to tune out the incessant chatter of Penny and Susan, his two vet techs. Apparently, these two never stopped gossiping, not even out of respect for those who obviously hadn't had enough sleep. TJ had been living off coffee and Tums this morning, trying to stay awake and combat his nerves at the same time. He took another sip from his to-go cup and wondered what he'd been thinking last night.
    He'd logged on when he got home from Larabee House to check his email, planning to quickly make sure nothing needed his attention before going to bed. He had wanted to arrive today refreshed and at the top of his game. But, by the second email, Cory had made good use of the card he'd given him and popped up on his instant messenger, presumably so they could make date plans. They hadn't made any plans, now that he thought about it, but they had talked about everything from music to movies to books until nearly three in the morning. It turned out they had a lot in common. They also had plenty to argue about. TJ still couldn't get over Cory's insistence that the new Star Wars movies were superior. Who in their right mind would say such a thing?
    He sucked in a breath as Cory stepped into the aisle and walked toward him, a brilliant smile lighting his face. He saw a suddenly crystal clear image of Cory on his knees. TJ's pulse spiked and his nerves danced. Then, he reminded himself he needed to be professional here. He hoped Cory wouldn't be too obvious.
    Realizing he hadn't thought through how awkward today might be, TJ's smile fell away. Cory was looking at him curiously as he reached the door. Then he winked as if to say, "I got this," as he let them in.
    "Good morning, Dr. Dylan. Come on in." Cory stepped back from the door.
    "Morning." TJ stepped aside to let Susan and Penny in before him.
    "Hey Penny, hey Suz." Cory pecked each of them on the cheek with easy affection. They all exchanged hellos.
    A young brunette woman was smiling at TJ with obvious interest. He felt his palms grow damp. He never knew what to do with flirtatious people, particularly if they were women.
    "Dr. Dylan, this is Jean Hamilton. Jean, Dr. Dylan." Cory made the introductions.
    "Pleasure to meet you," TJ said, offering her his hand.
    "Oh, the pleasure is all mine," Jean said.
    Cory covered up his laugh with a cough. TJ shot him a warning look. "We are on a tight schedule, so the sooner we get started on Bogo the better," he said briskly.
    "Well, okay then." Jean frowned at him. "I'm off to do visitor interactions. If you need me just call," she said to Cory.
    "Thanks, Jean, for letting me handle this one." He smiled at her.
    TJ tensed, giving Cory another warning look.
    "No prob. You can cover for me next time." Jean shot Cory a wink and headed out of the building seemingly oblivious to Cory's double entendre.
    "Lora is on her way," Cory explained. "How about we bring in your gear while we wait? She should be here in about fifteen minutes."
    "How's Bogo doing this morning?" Penny asked as they all filed back out to the vet truck to retrieve the gear.
    "About the same," Cory said. "He barely ate anything last night, and he refused to get up even for the promise of meat this morning." TJ noticed Cory was fidgeting. He was tapping his hands on his legs, and he couldn't seem to stand still.
    Penny must have picked up on it, too. She put an arm over Cory's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Cory, Dr. Dylan here has quite a rep. He specializes in oncology. That's part of the reason Dr. Sullivan hired him. Bogo couldn't be in better hands."
    TJ felt his face heat as he began handing boxes and totes out of the truck for everyone to carry into the building. They chattered back and forth. TJ kept his concentration on the task at hand, going through his mental checklist to be sure he had brought everything he would possibly need. After he had also checked his written list for the third time, and thought of every scenario he could come up with again, he turned to find that everyone was back inside the building.
    He walked to

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