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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
    Cory was scowling now and shaking his head no. "Hold your horses there, doc. First of all, Bogo is twenty years old. He's too old to rush into anesthesia. Second of all, you don't make the decisions around here for the pride. My coworker is out giving a talk to the public, right now. I have to discuss this with her and my curator, and we will decide if we allow you to knock Bogo down." Cory's face was getting redder by the second. "And lastly, there is no way in hell we can do any kind of a knock down in this building at eight while all of the lions are still inside. You'll have to make it after nine when they're out on exhibit for the day. And that's a pretty big if at this point."
    So, maybe TJ had overstepped his bounds, but surely he deserved a little more respect. He cleared his throat, trying to remain calm. But when Cory gave him a look that said he was seriously unimpressed, the last of TJ's calm said goodbye.
    He pointed at Bogo. "There are several carcinomas common to large cats that can be highly aggressive. So, any time wasted risks that cat's leg and his life. A biopsy takes long enough to get results, and we don't have time to waste." TJ bent over and retrieved his tote. "I will speak with your curator myself. So, if I were you, I would be ready for a knock down tomorrow at nine sharp."
    With that, TJ turned and walked as calmly as possible out the door. He hoped it wasn't obvious he was shaking.
    "Hey," TJ was almost to his truck when Cory's voice stopped him. He steeled himself and turned around.
    "Look, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for." Cory looked genuinely upset. He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "That's my man back there. He's really gotten under my skin. The idea of anesthetizing him at his age scares me. Plus, I'm angry at myself for not noticing the lump."
    TJ was surprised by Cory's honesty. "Apology accepted."
    Cory stood staring at him for a moment in an awkward silence. Suddenly, Cory shook his head and walked back into the building without another word. TJ wasn't sure what he'd done wrong, now. He climbed into the truck. Hopefully his talk with Lora Allen would go better.
    "I didn't think he was rude at all," Lora said. She hit her turn signal and made a right turn at the light. "He was perfectly professional in my office. He made a very good argument for why we shouldn't wait to knock Bogo down."
    "I'm not disputing that," though Cory could admit to himself that he wanted to. He had a bad feeling about this. But he could hardly argue with his feelings, and Dr. Discourteous did have a point. Waiting was not a good idea. "I'm saying the good doctor could use some work on his cage-side manners."
    Lora chuckled. "Maybe he was nervous. By the looks of him, I'm betting you couldn't resist flirting, right?"
    "Well, I could have sworn the guy was scoping me out. But judging from his fish-like reception, I think my gaydar might have malfunctioned."
    "Oh it didn't malfunction. Trust me, if that man played for my team, I'd have called off our date already."
    Cory laughed. "You'd ditch me for him?"
    "In a hot minute."
    "Well, that makes two of us," Cory blurted out. "Or, it would have, until I realized what a jerk he is. It's a shame."
    Lora snorted. "That's the trouble with you, Cory. You always think the worst. You've decided he's a jerk without considering things from his side, at all."
    Cory scowled at her. "Hey, I tried to be nice. I even apologized for getting angry, and do you know what he said? He said my apology was accepted. Not one word of regret from his mouth for being an ass. Oh no."
    Lora shook her head. "He shows up at a new job with no backup and no introduction. He's forced into an awkward situation with a hot guy who's coming on to him, and he's probably already feeling out of his element. Come on. Give the man a break."
    Cory rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He hated that she had a point.
    "Just try to play nice with him tomorrow, okay."
    Cory bit back the remark that popped to mind as Lora pulled the car onto the drive at Larabee House. He was suddenly filled with thoughts of Ben Larabee. He blinked back the sting of tears. Lora silently reached over and took his hand. He turned it over and twined their fingers together.
    "I can't believe Ben and Pierre are gone," she said quietly.
    Cory couldn't speak so he nodded in agreement. He'd met Ben in this very house six years ago at a similar donors' event. Cory had been on the job for something like

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