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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
immediately quieted. The striking woman with her black and gray streaked hair had a presence about her that simply commanded your attention. It was kind of uncanny.
    "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Kat began. "The Larabee Foundation would like to welcome you all this evening and thank you for your generous contributions to the Larabee Wild Animal Park."
    As Kat launched into her speech, Cory felt the prickling sensation of being watched. He looked over to find Dr. Dylan's eyes traveling up his body. When the doctor realized Cory was looking at him, he flushed and quickly turned back toward the podium. He pushed his glasses up in a quick gesture. Cory figured this might be one of the doctor's nervous tells. His heart began to pound. He tried to pay attention to Kat, who was saying something about the latest donations being used to fund needed renovations of the tropical rainforest building. But, he couldn't seem to stop watching Dr. Delicious.
    He jumped when an elbow jabbed his ribs. "Pay attention," Lora whispered.
    Forcing himself to look at Kat, Cory couldn't take in a word of what she was saying. His mouth was suddenly dry. He drained his wine, then swapped his empty glass with Lora's and drained hers, too. Lora gave him a dirty look. He shrugged.
    When applause broke out, Cory clapped half heartedly, relieved that he could once again move around. "Be back in a few," he said. Cory took both empty glasses and set them on the nearest table. He needed a minute to get it together. He headed down the back hall to use the small restroom near the kitchen. The door was locked, so he leaned against the wall and waited. He heard the toilet flush and the water run. The door opened and there stood Dr. Delicious.
    Looking down the hall, Cory was relieved. Nobody. He pushed himself off the wall and walked forward, forcing Dr. Dylan to back up until he could close the door behind them. Cory reached back and locked it. Then, he stepped forward until his chest was pressed against Dr. Dylan's. Their mouths were a breath apart. He had to know one thing. "What's your first name?"
    "TJ," Dr. Delicious smiled down at him. He made no move to back away.
    "TJ," Cory tried it out. "And what does that stand for?"
    "Thomas John."
    Cory could feel TJ's breath caressing his mouth. He reached up and pulled TJ down for a hard kiss. He felt hands grip at his hips to pull him tight against an impressive erection. Cory deepened the kiss, their tongues tangling and teeth clacking. He ran his hands down TJ's front to get a better feel, knowing they didn't have much time. He made quick work of TJ's fly and the pleated slacks fell to the floor. Cory dropped to his knees dragging charcoal boxer briefs down with him.
    He inhaled deeply, taking in the musky scent of aroused man. He unbuttoned the white shirt from the tail up, parting it to get a look at a fully engorged, slightly curved cock. "Well hello, big boy." Cory smiled up into TJ's eyes as he gripped the beautifully proportioned shaft and ran his hands along the silky skin. TJ smiled down at him and gently brushed a finger along the side of Cory's face. The look he gave was tender and a bit awed.
    This time, Cory groaned. He took one more look at the beautiful body in front of him. Then, he gave the leaking tip a gentle lick. He ran his tongue around the ridge of the sensitive head, cupping TJ's sac with one hand and circling the base of his cock with the other. He worked his mouth down over the shaft. TJ hissed. He couldn't quite get it all down his throat, so he used his hand to work the lower end. TJ moaned loudly. Cory looked up into his eyes. TJ shoved one knuckle into his mouth to bite on it. He used his other hand to gently cup the back of Cory's head while he began to pump his hips.
    It wasn't long before he groaned, "I'm going to come." TJ threw back his head. Cory sucked harder, working his hand faster. TJ let out a quick cry and his dark, salty taste coated Cory's mouth. Cory gently lapped at him until the last of the semen drooled out.
    TJ dragged him up by his armpits and backed him against the door, kissing him. He felt two hands lower his zipper. Then, they were on his cock pumping him while he sucked at Cory's mouth, obviously enjoying the taste. It only took a moment for Cory to see stars. He broke the kiss and groaned as he shot into TJ's hand. He was shaking and his knees felt like jelly. TJ gathered him close. They clung to each other while they came back down to earth.

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