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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
seem to like petting you."
    Cory started to purr.
    TJ laughed. He wrapped his arms around Cory and squeezed.
    Cory lifted his head, and TJ was suddenly caught in a look of such wonder and joy, he felt his own eyes sting. He lifted a hand and cupped Cory's cheek, running a thumb along his lower lip. They sat quietly looking at each other. Cory bent to nip his chin, then began to kiss all over his face. He felt another surge of intense emotion when Cory kissed his eyelids. He swallowed and captured Cory's mouth. They explored each other lazily, now, running gentle hands over each other's bodies as they tangled their tongues.
    TJ's beeper buzzed loudly from the floor by the foot of the bed. "Shit, this had better be an emergency," He pushed Cory to one side and scrambled to find his pants. He found his beeper and pulled out his cell. "I have to take this."
    Cory nodded as he came to sit beside him at the edge of the bed. TJ could see him watching intently while he checked the message. His stomach plummeted when he realized the emergency was Bogo. He was up and trying to pull on his underwear one handed before the message was half way through. How was he going to tell Cory? But, then Cory's phone started to ring, too.
    Hanging up from the message, TJ dialed the number for the animal park's night keeper office. He got a message machine. Not surprising. There were only two night keepers for the entire park. They would be at the lion house, probably, observing Bogo, since they had already determined he was having trouble breathing. He said briskly into the machine. "This is Dr. Dylan. I received your message. Cory and I are together. We'll be there as quickly as possible." He gave them his cell number and asked them to call him to report any changes.
    TJ threw the phone onto the bed and shrugged into his shirt, buttoning it as quickly as possible. He realized Cory was talking to Lora on the other line. "We can be there in twenty minutes or so. Yes, he's still with me. Yes, I'll tell him. Okay. Thanks." Cory hung up the phone. "Fuck!" He yelled, throwing his phone across the room. "Lora is in fucking Des Moines still. We're on our own." He tugged on his jeans and stuffed his feet into his Vans. He put on his T-shirt inside out. TJ said nothing just waited, while Cory grabbed his keys and wallet and snatched up his cell from off the floor. He continued to rant on his way to the door. "I can't believe this! I cannot fucking lose someone else, right now! Especially not him! Do you understand me?" He yelled at TJ as he flung the front door open and stormed down the stairs.
    TJ followed him, making sure the apartment was locked. "Let me drive, please!' He said, as he jogged up to the car. Cory didn't argue, just simply jumped back out of the driver's seat and rounded to the passenger side, slamming his door. TJ felt much calmer, suddenly, as he started the engine and backed the car out of the parking space.
    He drove toward the vet hospital. Luckily, it was only a mile and a half out of their way. TJ glanced over at the passenger seat. Cory was holding his stomach and rocking himself, his jaw working as he ground his teeth. He didn't say anything until TJ put on his turn signal to take the exit for the vet hospital.
    "Where the fuck are you going?" Cory glared at him.
    "We have to stop by the hospital for the vet truck." TJ kept his voice soft, hoping it would help calm Cory.
    Cory looked back at the road and snapped, "Then fucking drive faster."
    TJ didn't argue. He simply pushed up their speed and took a deep breath. He didn't know what to say, he only knew that one of them needed to remain calm, and apparently it was not going to be Cory. TJ couldn't blame him after the rollercoaster night. His own emotions were all over the place. He couldn't even imagine how Cory must be feeling.
    He shoved his glasses up and fished out a Tums from his shirt pocket. The roll must have gotten damp earlier when they were dancing, so the paper wouldn't peel off the tablets. He tried to wrestle one free with one hand, growing increasingly agitated until he felt like yelling at the damn roll. Cory reached over and snatched it from his hands. Though he was shaking, he managed to get them unwrapped. He handed two to TJ and popped two into his own mouth. They chewed them in silence.
    When they got to the clinic, TJ didn't bother going inside. Luckily, he'd already stocked the truck boxes in preparation for the following day. Cory hopped into the

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