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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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passenger seat without a word, and they were headed to the park in a matter of minutes.
    "It's going to be his heart," Cory said. "I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it."
    TJ took another deep breath. Cory's tone and slumped posture made it obvious he was directing this statement at himself. "That's certainly a possibility. But, let's not think the worst at this point. Bogo could be re-narcing though that doesn't commonly happen with the anesthesia combination we chose. He could also be having an allergic reaction to one of the medications we administered."
    "How's that possible? It's been nearly two days?"
    "Allergic reactions sometimes don't manifest for up to seventy- two hours. And the oral med we sent over for you to give is a slow release tablet. The first dose was this morning. He could be reacting to that."
    Cory's cheeks grew even paler. He ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck me."
    TJ put a hand on Cory's knee and squeezed. Cory flinched and pushed him away. TJ frowned at the road and tried not to take it personally.
    They pulled into the parking lot at the lion house a few minutes later. It felt like hours had passed. Cory ran for the door while TJ retrieved his emergency tote and the smallest, portable oxygen tank from the truck. He was grateful to find the door propped open with the foot mat. Cory was standing in front of Bogo's cage talking into his handheld radio. Bogo was lying on his side. His eyes were half closed and glassy. His mouth was open, and he appeared to be gasping for breaths.
    Pogo and the females were all up and pacing their respective cages. Each gave him wary looks. Pogo growled.
    "Ten-four keeper Stephens. We're making our hourly rounds. Let us know if you need a hand." The same male voice from the answering machine came out of the radio.
    "Ten-four, Stephens out." Cory turned pleading eyes on TJ. "He isn't responding to my voice at all."
    "Alright, let's get in there and see what we can do." TJ said.
    Frowning at him for a moment, Cory opened his mouth to say something. Then, he shook his head and began to unlock the padlocks. Before he opened the cage, he turned and said, "We probably should wait and call in help. But, I can't. I just can't. So, let me go in first. He knows me. He's less likely to attack me," Cory said.
    TJ shook his head. He put his hand over Cory's on the latch. "We do this together or we don't do it at all."
    Cory blinked back tears. He took a deep breath and opened the latch. He cracked the door, but Bogo didn't move. He just stayed on his side, breathing shallowly. Cory pushed the door open and they walked in. TJ rounded the lion and knelt behind his back, where he would at least be farther from harm. He noticed Pogo's pacing increased in the cage next door. It was a little unnerving having all the eyes of the pride on him. He quickly retrieved his stethoscope from his tote and began listening while Cory placed a towel gently over Bogo's eyes. The dark would help keep Bogo calmer.
    "His pulse is thready, breathing shallow and labored." TJ opened the box to attach the oxygen mask to the tank, but it wasn't there. He frowned for a moment. It must have been left in the clinic after it was cleaned. "Shit. Go get the other oxygen mask from the truck. It's in the blue box."
    "I'm not leaving you in here alone," Cory said.
    TJ gave him his best in charge glare. "Yes you are! Go! Lock me in! Quick! You want to save him, right?" TJ flinched when Pogo growled and snarled behind him.
    This seemed to work on Cory, though. He jumped up and ran. Who knew? TJ tried to get a better listening point on Bogo's heart. When Pogo snarled again, TJ looked directly at him and said, "Hush. I can't hear!" Pogo immediately quieted down.
    Bogo's heartbeat was steady, if weak. TJ was relieved to note that his lungs sounded clear of fluids. There was only the wheezing sound of blocked breathing passages. He checked Bogo's mouth and noticed the pale gums that said he wasn't getting enough oxygen. He wasn't willing to risk looking down the lion's throat though. By the time Cory returned with the mask, TJ was fairly sure he knew what to do. Of course, he could be wrong. His stomach clenched again. But, he kept his voice steady.
    "I'm going with an allergic reaction," TJ said. "Turn the oxygen up to the highest setting and hold the mask in place over his mouth. We're going to have to give him a shot of epinephrine to the heart. If I'm right about what's happening, he should come around

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