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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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quickly, and we're going to have to get the hell out of here fast. If I'm wrong," TJ waited until Cory got the mask in place and looked up at him, "I'm not going to lie to you. This could make the situation worse. It could even stop his heart all together."
    "You don't think it's a heart attack, though."
    "No, I think he's reacting to the medications. His lungs sound clear of fluid, but his coloring and the sound of his breathing indicate a lack of oxygen. His throat's probably swelling, but I'd rather not check it while he isn't under. And, we can't add anesthesia at this point."
    Thinking for only a moment, Cory said, "Give him the shot." He ran a hand down Bogo's mane. TJ nodded, knowing this was a terrible burden for Cory, having to make this call alone. He said a silent prayer. Just this once, please, let me be right.
    TJ found the vial in his box and began calculating the correct dosage. "You said he weighs around 520 pounds?"
    "Last weight was 529."
    TJ pulled out a small pad and did the math. He opened a syringe case and pulled up the proper dosage. Then, he removed the needle from the syringe and swapped it for a longer heart needle. When he was ready to give the shot he looked at Cory. "Okay, get everything out and wait in the aisle."
    "I'm not leaving you in here alone."
    "No time to argue. Get everything out."
    "Just do it!"
    Cory frowned at him, but he removed the boxes, then the mask and the oxygen tank. But he came back to hold the towel over Bogo's eyes until the last possible moment. "Together or not at all. After the shot, you head for the door. I'll be right behind you."
    TJ stood and bent over Bogo. He held the stethoscope to the big cat's heart, making sure he marked the correct location for the shot. He hesitated, arm raised, prepared to give the dose. He took a moment to look at Cory. They held eye contact. One corner of Cory's mouth turned up. TJ could swear a thousand words passed between them, and not one word at all. Cory nodded.
    "On the count of three. One. Two. Three." TJ pressed the needle in and steadily depressed the plunger. He pulled it out and ran for the door. He could feel Cory directly on his heels slamming the cage door shut behind them. TJ stood panting in the aisle, hands on his knees, while he got his breath back. He could see Cory's feet safely outside the cage as he worked to secure the locks. He sucked in one final breath, trying to get his own adrenaline rush under control. Finally he stood up slowly.
    "Well, that was anticlimactic." Though there was a smirk on Cory's face, the furrow of his brow said he was very worried. Bogo still hadn't moved.
    "Always better to be safe than sorry," TJ stepped up behind Cory and wrapped both arms around him, allowing himself to take and give comfort. "His breathing is already improving. Look," he pointed.
    Bogo began to take deep breaths. Then, he groaned. Cory sagged against him. He felt Cory wrap arms over his and thread their fingers together to squeeze his hands. Cory put his head back against TJ's shoulder and watched quietly. Eventually, Bogo lifted his head and looked around, confused.
    "Hey, old man," Cory said. "Nice to have you back."
    Bogo puffed a greeting. Cory chuckled. He was glad TJ hadn't let him go. The adrenaline was wearing off, and his knees felt weak. Pogo began rubbing his head along the cage bars and vocalizing to Bogo.
    "He seems relieved," TJ said.
    "That makes two of us," Cory said.
    "Count me in." TJ let out a shaky breath in his ear.
    Cory looked at him over his shoulder. "Thank you for saving him. I'll never in a million years be able to tell you what this means to me."
    TJ smiled down at him. "You already have. I could see it before I gave him the shot."
    Cory stretched up and kissed TJ gently once, then again for good measure. "I'm sorry I was such an ass on the way here." He felt really bad about that. "I was just barely holding my shit together. I knew we were going to be totally on our own. Jean left for a conference yesterday, and Lora— Oh shit, I have to call Lora. She's probably almost here by now." Cory fished out his phone. "I hope this thing still works." He dialed Lora's number, relieved when she answered.
    "Tell me good news." Cory could hear the anxiety in her voice.
    "He's going to be okay."
    Lora let out a whoop and a series of squeals. Cory held the phone away from his ear while she got it out of her system. Then, he gave her the whole story. He was glad to have TJ holding

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