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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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so much worse.
    He shut his eyes. They had trained so well together, Seth fast and agile. He always had a trick up his sleeve, like daggers in a sword fight or even silly pranks, like dumping water on Kent's head whenever he decided Kent needed a bath. In every village, he bought Kent drinks and accepted them in turn, the two men laughing and discussing trivialities in the warm common room. The only times they weren't together was when Seth went off with a lady of the evening.
    Kent grimaced. He always hated that. But Seth never talked about it; it was just something he did. Something normal men did. Kent wondered if Seth assumed he did the same. Probably not, if he thought Kent had prayed last night.
    A twig snapped behind him, and awareness flooded through him, lightning quick. He had let his guard down.
    The birds were quiet. The horses both stared at something, Seth's horse setting a hoof down. A shadow loomed over Kent, and he turned as a flash of metal swung down. Too late.
    Then the man screamed, a bloodied sword shoving through his torso. Seth shoved the body aside, his fierce eyes staring down at Kent. "Get up and fight! They're trying to steal the horses!"
    Cursing, Kent leapt to his feet. A man shouted, the voice harsh and unfamiliar, and Kent drew his sword as Seth raced into the darkness.
    "Hyah!" Seth leapt into the saddle of Kent's horse, not bothering to grab his reins, twirling his spear at the dark shapes that were attempting to grab the horse. Kent raced toward them, stabbing the men whom Seth was not holding off with his spear from horseback.
    Seth whistled, and his own horse reared, the bandits falling back in fear from the flailing hooves. Kent took his chance and swung, his sword slicing through one man, then another.
    A man shouted a hoarse scream, and suddenly the night was once again still, the rustling brush the only thing that betrayed their fleeing foes.
    Kent took a few deep breaths, not bothering to sheath his sword. Seth panted from his position on the horse and swayed as he dismounted.
    "I really do need that training," he sighed. "Damn that Lyle. Check the bodies."
    There were none, which confused Kent until he saw the signs that the others had dragged them away. "So they do have some honor," Kent said.
    "Thieves honor." Seth spat. "Honor only to themselves and their desires."
    Kent shrugged his soldiers. "I'll continue keeping watch."
    "Really? You did a pretty lousy job. I thought I was the weak one." Kent's face heated.
    "I was… distracted. I won't be this time."
    "Don't bother. I doubt they'll be back." Seth patted his horse, pulling out the stake and leading him further toward the cave. "If all they're after is the horses, they won't risk attacking knights again."
    Kent followed suit, his skin prickling with the knowledge of his failure. His distraction could have gotten them both killed.
    "C'mon," Seth waved him over once both horses were secure. "We can both share the cave now, at least."
    A desire to refuse flashed through him, but it wouldn't make sense. Kent followed his friend—his onetime friend—into the warmth of the cave.
    "Now I'm too awake to get to sleep anytime soon," Seth poked the fire with a stick. "I'll stay up if you'd like to sleep. Maybe you're tired? Did you actually decide to have fun last night?"
    "No," Kent prepared his sleeping roll, taking off his armor. "I was just… distracted."
    "That's unlike you." Kent looked up at Seth's tone. "What's going on, Kent? You've been acting oddly."
    "Nothing," Kent snapped, too harsh.
    "I don't believe you," Seth replied, infuriatingly calm. "You were far too upset when I was with that prostitute, and ever since, you've been treating me like an invalid. Are you truly concerned for me or for my honor? You act like Lyle."
    "I would never act like him!" Kent's eyes flashed. "Nothing is wrong!"
    "You're my closest friend, Kent." Seth pointed at him. "I can tell when something is wrong. You've always been quiet, honorable, a private man, but you act as if something has scared you. Did something happen while I was ill?"
    Kent opened and shut his mouth. Lying was against the code of knighthood also, and now he was forced to do it. To protect Seth. "Please, just don't pry."
    "So something did happen." Seth's eyes narrowed. "I don't like not being told what it was. Am I not your friend?"
    Kent's mouth went dry. No, you're not. All he had to do was say it. "You are," Kent stomach sank as he spoke. "So please… respect my

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