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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
hands, body tense, trying to ignore the swell of his erection, the sensation of his foreskin pulling back. This was wrong. He had promised not to do this.
    He turned over, lying on his stomach, his erection hot and hard underneath him. Damn the man. He didn't know how Kent suffered, what his friendship and closeness meant. He had no idea.
    Seth's gasping moan replayed in his mind's eye, and Kent's self-control began to fray. Maybe, if he didn't use his hands…. He began moving his hips, grinding his erection into the bedspread, pleasure shooting through him. In his fantasies, Seth kissed him, his hard, muscular body crouched over Kent, his hand firm around Kent's shaft. Seth's penis would be hard, thicker and longer than Kent's, and Kent opened his mouth, imagining what it would be like to take Seth into his mouth. Saliva dripped onto his pillow.
    The bed shook with each thrust, Kent rubbing himself again and again, the wicker frame rattling. His fantasies grew disconnected, illogical— Seth nude, the sensations of his mouth on Seth's erection, the sensations of Seth taking him into his hot, wet mouth. Or more… even more, Seth letting Kent inside him, tight heat enveloping him completely while Seth screamed his name.
    Kent moaned, hips moving frantically, and gasped. Too quick, too quick. He rolled onto his side, covering himself with his hand as he erupted, shuddering his orgasm into his palm and through his fingers. He couldn't help it, grabbing his shaft and milking the rest, extra shocks of pleasure running through him as he did. Cum dripped onto the bed and the floor, his thighs quaking.
    His breathing sounded loud in the dark room, the moonlight and torchlight shining through the window illuminating the dripping liquid. Guilt choked him, the pleasure fading fast.
    Less than a week, and he had broken his promise to God. Seth was safe, but Kent was too weak to suppress his desires.
    It was because he had seen him. Kent rolled onto his back, his heart beginning to slow. Staying away from Seth had been the correct idea.
    He would have to keep avoiding him.
    A combination of his roommate's loud snoring and the sun shining in the window woke him. Chaz lay still clothed, not having bothered to get under the covers, and Kent rolled his eyes.
    He pulled on his armor. It was certain that nothing would happen today, but he had made a habit of practicing every day during peacetime, and now that the enemy was routed that tradition would continue. The door creaked as he opened it.
    "Where are you going?" Chaz mumbled.
    "Out," Kent answered, stifling a sigh as Chaz winced in pain at the shaft of sunlight hitting his bed.
    "Close the curtains, please?"
    Kent obliged. "Late night?"
    "Not late enough. Damn women here are grateful, but not grateful enough, and the whores are too expensive."
    "You're a knight, you know," Kent said with a sigh. "We are to keep to the codes." Chaz just mumbled again.
    The sun warmed his shoulders as he stepped outside, but the morning chill still bit the air. Kent breathed deeply, wrinkling his nose at the pungent scents of village life. He preferred the clean air of camping outdoors.
    He strode to the edge of the village, near where their horses were stabled, and moved through the familiar motions. Memories of his time practicing with Seth flashed in his mind, but he pushed them away. Pivot. Slice. Pivot. Slice. Stab. He had to work, to clean himself of the filth of his actions of the night before. He had to forget Seth.
    A few passersby stopped to watch, but he ignored them, sweat beginning to run down his neck as the morning wore on. Hundreds of repetitive movements, sword strikes, and he took up his spear to practice with when the sword wasn't enough.
    "Kent?" He froze, breathing hard, sweat pouring off him, the spear absurdly heavy in his hand. Momentum interrupted, he leaned against it, placing the butt against the ground. His muscles quaked.
    "What has you training so hard?" Seth asked. "I would have liked to train with you to build my strength back up, but you look worn out now."
    Kent clenched his teeth. "Train with someone else then," he said in a monotone.
    Seth blinked, eyes widening. "I suppose I could."
    Kent's stomach flipped as Seth walked away, but the sensation was driven into nothing but pain as he lifted his spear once more. Pivot. Stab. Pivot. Stab.
    "Come, sir knights, enjoy the fruit of the fields you have protected!" The innkeeper spread his arms wide,

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