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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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wishes to keep it to myself."
    The fire cracked and popped as Seth threw another log onto it. "Kent, please. Don't be cruel. You can tell me whatever it is. I care about you."
    No you don't. Not the way I need you to. Seth's eyes glittered in the firelight, shining emeralds. Kent felt like a worthless lump compared to the gorgeous man. He practiced for hours to perform feats Seth did effortlessly, he insulted Seth for no reason other than to chase him away, and then he failed to keep watch, endangering them both.
    It was all due to Lyle, and his threats. What if… What if Lyle was wrong? Everything had been going wrong since Kent had tried to follow what Lyle said was right.
    But the consequences of Lyle being right were too severe to ignore. Kent's gut twisted, and he took a shaky breath. He just wanted to be a knight, an honorable knight who would serve his King and God, live and die for his country and his faith.
    But he also wanted Seth with a passion. It was more than admiration, more than just lust. It was love that eclipsed any other goal, any other loyalty Kent felt.
    "Kent, you're nearly shaking. Please, what's wrong?" Kent's skin tingled when Seth touched him, the dark-haired man's touch feather light as he put his hand on Kent's shoulder.
    "I— Please, don't." His hands trembled harder as he pushed Seth's hand away, cursing the gooseflesh that run up and down his neck. His gaze stayed riveted to Seth, to his green eyes and soft pink lips, slightly open in an unspoken question.
    "I think I see the problem." One side of Seth's mouth turned up, his eyes suddenly half lidded. "You repress yourself. You're angry with me for going to the whore because you wanted her. You were probably pleasuring yourself outside, weren't you? That's why they surprised you so easily." Seth leaned back, smiling in appalling victory.
    Kent felt his face go hot even as his stomach flipped, his heart suddenly pounding. Anger waged war with fear. "I wouldn't do that on a mission," he growled.
    "Oh really? I have." Seth grinned as the blood drained from Kent's face. "It's not something to be ashamed of."
    "Please, this conversation…. It's wrong." And damnit, it was starting to affect him. The thought of Seth stroking himself, his green eyes shut as he lay back and moaned to his own touch…. Kent shifted uncomfortably, praying Seth wouldn't notice.
    "You seem to enjoy it for something that's so wrong." Seth laughed. "I can see—"
    "Enough!" Kent stood, cursing his lusts and his erection, his hands in fists at his side. "Stop torturing me, please!" His voice broke as he shouted, fear and anger and pain combining to throttle the plea.
    Seth fell silent, the smile wiped from his face. The fire snapped, and Kent strode away to the mouth of the cave, breathing deep. "Just leave me be."
    The wind whistled outside, the cold air brushing his skin, and Kent debated leaving. He couldn't look at Seth, not now.
    "No." Kent jumped, whirling. Seth stood close, facing him. "I'm not going to leave you alone about this. I'm sorry."
    Anger and frustration curled Kent's lip. "Seth,"
    Seth grabbed him, hugged him, molding his body against Kent's. Kent gasped, the scent and warmth and sensation of his friend sending sparks of a wholly different fire shooting through his body. "I was stupid not to see it before."
    "Don't," Kent shoved Seth away, but the other man resisted, his hands hot on Kent's chest.
    "It's all right," he whispered. "Kent, it's fine." He leaned forward, his breath hot on Kent's neck.
    "No!" Kent shouted, shoving hard. Seth stumbled, eyes flashing in frustration.
    Kent's body burned, and he could no longer hide his bulging erection. But he couldn't… he couldn't damn Seth this way. "This is wrong!"
    "You want it," Seth stated, his eyes fixed low. "I can tell you want it. This is what's been bothering you, hasn't it? You… you want me." He met Kent's eyes, licking his lips. "Not some whore. Me."
    "I can't," Kent growled, his hands in tight fists at his side, the cave wall hard and uncomfortable at his back. "Lyle… he knows. He knows what I feel. He'll damn us both, and God…"
    "That's what all this is about? Lyle?" Seth raised his voice, Kent flinching. "You listened to that worm? That's why you abandoned me for a week?"
    Kent breathed hard, heart pounding so quickly he felt ill. "This is my fault. I've corrupted you by even discussing this. If you'd just leave me alone, if…"
    "Your fault?" Seth actually grinned, derision

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