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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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didn't want to be anywhere near Sather if he decided it was time to try again with a different recipe.
    Vin peeked through the window to watch his costar walk around the quariroom. He moved with the feline elegance inherent to their species, taking long, graceful strides. He didn't have an ounce of fat anywhere on his body, and Vin knew fucking him would be the ride of a lifetime, if he survived it.
    "I don't give a shit about equity. I care about my dick," Vin said. He hid a smile from the video screen. See, Obs. I can think about my dick as well as with it, he thought. He ignored the voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like Obs reminding him that thinking with his dick is what got him in this position to begin with. "And living through this shoot," he added.
    "There is no conclusive proof that their ejaculate is poisonous to humans. And your genmat screens do not show any increased risk for corrosion."
    "Poisonous?" Vin shouted. The Denoblian turned toward Vin's door at the noise. He focused on Vin as he stood there staring. His hard blue cock was also pointed in Vin's direction. It stuck straight up in dark relief of more bright yellow hair. It was just as thick as the mane covering his pointed scalp, and nearly as long, from what Vin could tell. Then there was his dick. Jesus, that thing is bigger than my forearm, Vin thought in a panic. "I'm not sucking his cock."
    "But your contract states," Sather began.
    "Fuck the contract. I'm not doing it," Vin growled.
    "Just give him a chance, Vin. This contract is huge."
    Vin gave the Denoblian another look. He turned around in a slow circle, as if presenting himself for Vin's assessment. After a making a complete rotation, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and met Vin's look. The enormous cock swayed with his body from its nest of yellow hair.
    "Fuck it. I don't need the creds." Before the experiment, that would have been his pride talking, but now it was actually true. When the World Government took over, they seized control of the banks to protect their lobbyist's accounts. Vin and the others benefited. His own seventeen-dollar balance had grown, accumulating interest for five hundred years.
    "It is easily ten times your normal rate," Sather pleaded.
    "And that means easily ten times your standard cut, right?"
    "Cut?" Sather asked with a confused look. "There is no blade play clause. Should I see to adding one?"
    "No! You should see about an escape clause," Vin said.
    "You cannot back out now. This is a special order vid, Vin. The client paid big creds for you specifically," Sather said with a slimy leer. He flicked his forked tongue along his lipless mouth, and Vin's empty stomach recoiled. He turned around to hide a shudder from Sather's view.
    "Who would pay that big to see me fuck a Denoblian?" Vin asked with his back still to the screen.
    "Well, that is the thing," Sather said. Vin didn't like his soothing tone of voice one bit. He spun around to see the pupils of Sather's eyes narrow to slits. Vin's blood ran cold as his stomach dropped through his groin.
    "What the hell are you not saying, Sath?" he asked in a low voice.
    "She was very specific in her request."
    "Specific, how, exactly?" Vin had a feeling he knew what the next words out of Sather's mouth were going to be, but he really needed to hear them said out loud, and he sure as fuck wasn't going to say them. No way had he wanted to suggest anything to his ingratiating agent.
    "She requested the Denoblian do the fucking."
    "Fuck that Sather," Vin said. "I don't do that on film. You know that!"
    "Just try it. You may like it," Sather said with that leer again.
    "Fuck you. You get out here and try it, and tell me what you think." Vin looked out the portal at the Denoblian, and he found himself staring at the big, blue cock.
    "I cannot do that," Sather said, blinking in confusion. "If I did, it would breach the terms of the agreement and nullify the pay terms."
    Vin rubbed a hand over his eyes, sensing it was going to be a long night, and it hadn't even started yet. He wandered back to the bathroom to rummage in the cabinet for some pain suppressors. "I just meant— never mind. Just forget about it."
    "Forget about what? Vin, you make no sense."
    Vin stared at his reflection and shook his head. "Just see what you can do about that escape clause, all right?"
    "But the Earth female has already transferred the creds."
    "Well see about transferring them back."
    "Vin, you do not

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