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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:

    by Xara X. Xanakas

    Redhead with soul patch in a black T-shirt is standing in front of a giant blue man with gold horns and yellow hair. The redhead has an "Are you shitting me?" look on his face.

    Dear Author,
    It's the 26th Century and the human race has seeded itself throughout many galaxies. These two guys have been paired up for the latest Ursa Majoris Pornacopia Holoflick. They have 24hrs to figure out how to get it up and get it on… without breaking Universal Health and Safety Codes for Interspecies Sex Acts.

    genre: sci-fi
    tags: post-apocalyptic, sex industry, spacemen/aliens, humorous, interspecies, fetish toys, horn fetish
    warning: interspecies (alien-human) sex
    words: 12,429
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    by Xara X. Xanakas
    "Hold that in place while the HealJel kicks in," the tech said. Mind, Vin thought her name was. Her ID badge had a series of symbols he had no hope of deciphering.
    "I know the drill," he said with a smile.
    "Yes, I expect you do." She gave him a sly look that traveled from his hair to his gravboots. "So you know what comes next," she said with a grin as she wheeled the low stool around and waggled a cock ring in front of him.
    "Ah yes." Vin untied his pants and let them drop to the floor. He grabbed his cock and gave it a few yanks before cupping his balls and pulling them forward with it.
    "Very nice," she said, snapping the ring in place. She winked and gave him a few pulls. "For luck."
    "I'll take all the luck I can get." Vin wiggled his hips toward her.
    She shook her head with a chuckle and began packing away the vials and tissue samples the umbiloscope had collected. "We'll have the full workup in twenty-four hours. Until then, consider yourself quarantined."
    "Yeah, I know. No unapproved visitors, no leaving," he sighed and looked down at his crotch. "No coming until the director is ready."
    "Your co-star will be here shortly, and your shuttle will dock there." She nodded toward an airlock on the opposite wall before she stepped through the doorway. Vin watched her back as it disappeared down the hallway. The door closed with a soft ‘shish' sound, and the control panel glowed red to indicate he was locked in. The access chip in his wrist would block him from opening it back up.
    "Just another day," he mumbled to himself as he wandered around his temporary quarters. It was bigger than most of the quarirooms he'd been in. After two hundred holoflix since his auspicious debut in "Rutting Rascal", he'd seen a lot of them. Situated right above the bridge of the medical destroyer, the room seemed to take up the entire port side of the huge battleship. Personalized chambers flanked each side of the space.
    Vin tapped on the command module and the outside wall appeared to transform from grey steel to a wide-open space. The horizon was black and dotted with stars, and the dual moons of Akyelt were rising above the planet's surface. A pleasure frigate was moored to an orbiting charging beacon just outside the range of the battleship's reactor dumpers. Its crew waited inside to serve, and service, Vin and his mystery costar. The Joie de Enculer looked tiny compared to the medical ship, and Vin had to wonder why the defense resources would be spared to protect one holoflix shoot. It wasn't like Vin was an ambassador, and the Recreational and Pharmaceutical Fornication Union was a well-respected entity across the galaxies. No one bothered to attack a set unless the pairing was unsanctioned.
    "What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Vinnie?" he asked himself as he ambled through the room on the aft end of the ship. Vibrant yellow sheets covered the bed, but no blanket. He frowned as he checked out settings in the hygiene compartment. The Universal Health and Safety Codes regulating interspecies sex acts made sure all the tabs and slots aligned without leaving permanent damage to either participant. The databases were continually updated as new civilizations joined the union. Every variant of every new species had to be tested for compatibility, and the results were cross-referenced to prevent accidental exposure to inhospitable bodily fluids. Unlike the early days of the Ursa Majoris Pornocopia's existence, when they found out the hard way that while Urjautors were sexually insatiable and ridiculously flexible, their highly acidic ejaculate was deadly to most other species.
    Vin knew

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