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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
on that one." That was one of the worst parts of being a porn star. The liquid cleansing diets leading up to a shoot. "Gotta keep the pipes clean, though."
    "Yeah. TMI much? Anyway, I gotcha marked on the cal."
    "Will the others be back by then?"
    Obs disappeared from the screen and Vin heard papers shuffling in the background. His muffled voice came over the connection. "Pre's due back with the Albatross on the eigth, and Anch is staying with me for a while until he gets another contract. Da," Obs shrugged. "Da's on one of his flightabouts."
    Vin heard the chime indicating the door lock had been disengaged. "Well, there's my guy. I'll talk to you in a few weeks, okay?"
    "Knock ‘em dead, Vin. And be careful out there, huh? Not too many of us left."
    "I will. Oh, and hey, Obs? You know French, right?"
    "I did, why?"
    "What does Joie de Enculer mean?"
    Obs laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Just go do it."
    "But," Vin started to protest.
    "Have a good shoot, and come home safe. See you soon, Vintage."
    "You got it, Obsolete," Vin said with a smile just before disconnecting. He heard muffled voices in the room next to him. The tech, giving his costar the same spiel she gave Vin not an hour ago. He hung back and stepped into his own hygiene center to give them some privacy.
    He stripped and turned on his own aqua-chamber. The temperature and pressure was exactly as he liked it, and Vin noted the water was fresh . The purification center must be top notch , he thought idly. Finally, he shut the stream off and stepped out of the shower, figuring he must have given his costar enough time to settle into his own chambers. He toweled off and checked his reflection. Spiky red hair, long soul-patch on his chin. His lean torso was lined with muscle, with a light red treasure trail running from his belly button to a shock of neatly trimmed bush at the base of his cock, set off by the wide silver cock ring. The Celtic knot tattoos intertwining and running along his ribcage added to his ginger appeal.
    Yeah. I'd do me. Vin wrapped a towel around his waist and strutted out to the common area of the quariroom and found his costar standing in the middle of the room, his arms crossed over his wide, blue chest. Vin's blood ran cold and he stopped dead in his tracks.
    "Oh, fuck no," he whispered.
    "What the fuck, Sather?" Vin shouted at the vidscreen.
    "Now Vin, just hear me out," Sather said. He held his hands up in front of the screen. Vin guessed it was supposed to be a soothing gesture, something Sather must have picked up from Vin. Coming from a three-fingered, four-foot-tall Bursyan covered in putrid purple scales, it was just disturbing.
    "A fucking Denoblian? They're not even on the list." Vin looked through the porthole in his bedchamber door at the blue giant. He was bipedal, standing upright, tall and proud. His broad shoulders and defined pecs tapered down to a narrow waist and hips. His abdomen had the hard ridges of a well-defined six-pack. From the neck down, other than having deep blue skin and bright yellow nipples, he could almost pass for human. Almost being the key word.
    From the neck up, the similarities ended. The Denoblian had the thick, gold, squared ‘C' shaped horns of a fully matured male of their species. The horns were wider than Vin's wrist where the protruded from the Denoblian's forehead before coming to a sharp point where they ended a foot above his head. His bright yellow mane was bushy and long, flowing wildly around his head and down his back. Thick muttonchops framed his jaw line.
    Vin ducked when he turned his pupil less eyes toward the door. "We can't fuck on holofilm. The Union would have my ass," Vin whispered to the vid. No wonder we're on a medical destroyer, Vin thought. Certainly explains extra security.
    "They are petitioning the Union and got provisional approval. Frankly, they hope this will give them entry," Sather said with something resembling a chuckle. "Look at it this way: you will be helping a whole new race gain equity." Sather shrugged and attempted a grin. It was more of a sneer, a you-look-kind-of-tasty expression that creeped Vin out. He'd been told the Bursyans were a peaceful race, but Vin wasn't convinced. He'd seen his agent in action enough to be glad the reptile-like creature was on his side. Sather once told Vin his kind couldn't tolerate the taste of human flesh, but that was hardly reassuring. That just meant they'd tried it at some point. Vin

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