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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
understand," Sather said.
    "I understand just fine, but you're my agent. You're supposed to work for me. Now please just go do it."
    "I will see what I can do," Sather said. "But I make no promises."
    "As usual," Vin said as he punched the controls to break the connection. He stepped into loose knee-length breeks and yanked on a green T-shirt. The naproxicin had kicked in, and the throbbing in his head had calmed down. He ran his fingers through his hair as he paced the small chamber, evaluating his options. Get fucked, or get fucked over, from what he could see. Neither held much appeal. "You've really screwed up this time, Vin."
    He was about to vidconf Obs again when the outer door chimed, letting Vin know their midday refreshments had arrived.
    "I guess I can't put it off any longer, huh?" he asked his reflection. Of course, it didn't answer, but that didn't stop Vin from halfway hoping for some kind of reprieve from facing the inevitable. Steeling his nerves, he stepped out into the main room just as the robotic food cart maneuvered itself in the corner of the room. A couple of the brightly colored cans toppled over and fell off as one corner of the machine's hydraulics lurched to a stop, leaving the surface angled. The rest started to slide toward the edge, but the Denoblian lunged forward to catch them before they could join the green cans rolling on the floor. He flipped a switch on the leg closest to Vin, and the control panel popped up. He punched in a code, and the table leveled itself out.
    "This sludge is bad enough without shaking it up and activating the chiller module before you crack it open," he said. His voice was deep and rumbling, with what may have been a Spanish accent if this was Earth, five hundred years ago. It rattled around Vin's brain and sent tingles through his system. He knelt to pick the cans up off of the floor.
    "No kidding." Vin said as he set them on the second shelf of the cart to make sure they didn't try one of them. "That thing blasts in the can, and it's just a congealed blob of nasty. Whoever invented these nutrient drinks should be shot," he said as he stood. "I'm Vin."
    "I am called Jali," the Denoblian said, offering his arm. Vin clasped his forearm and shook it, as was the standard greeting for Union species. Long fingers wrapped around his own arm in a firm grip.
    "Jali? As in deck the halls with…?" Vin's words trailed off as his attention wandered down the Denoblian's body to take in that bough of Jali's. He shook his head to clear out those thoughts. "Anyway, nice to meet you."
    He picked up two cans and offered one to Jali, who shook his head. "Not until necessary," he said with a shudder.
    Vin put one can down and popped the top on the other. It fizzed for a second, and then started bubbling in the can as the chiller module activated. He quickly gulped the contents down before it could clump. "Gods, that's nasty," he said before he took a few hacking coughs to clear the flavor out of his mouth. Jali handed him a hydro bottle, and Vin drank it gratefully. He dusted his hands off on his pants as he took in his costar up close. The hard body had Vin's dick's attention. He was built just like Vin liked his humans–tall and hard. If it weren't for the horns, their height difference wouldn't have seemed so disproportionate. Vin came up to his chin, but the horns added an extra foot. And the body was close enough to human. Two arms, two legs, one— probably too big, Vin admitted to himself — cock. A sudden thought hit Vin. "You're not hiding a tail back there, are you?" He leaned over to try to get a better look at Jali's backside. He didn't notice one when Jali turned around earlier, but he had been a little preoccupied with his panic.
    Jali spread his arms wide and turned in a slow circle, offering himself for Vin's inspection. "No, no tail. I am from the desert region. Tails are a trait of the forest regions. For climbing," he said with a wiggle of his butt.
    "Guess I lucked out there," Vin said with relief. He did not want any stray appendages making their way into anything on his body when he least expected it.
    "I don't know. The tail can be quite," Jali said with a smile as he appeared to be trying to get the right word. "Enjoyable?"
    Vin shook his head and picked up another hydro bottle. "I'll just take your word for it on that one, okay?" He walked over to the sunken seating area and settled into one of the plush couches. Jali followed and sat on the

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