Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
of agriculture
alkaline: refers to soil, or any substance, with a pH over 7
alkylation: a process in which an alkyl group is substituted or added to a compound
alleles: two genes, each of which occupies the same position or locus on two homogenious chromosomes
amendments: can be either organic or mineral based: Amendments change the texture of a growing medium.
ampere (amp): the unit used to measure the strength of an electric current: A 20-ampere circuit is overloaded when drawing more than 16 amps.
androecious: a plant having staminate (MALE) flowers: An androecious population consists of only males, sometimes called all-male.
anemophilous: pollinated by wind-dispersed pollen
annual: a plant that normally completes its entire life cycle in one year or less: Cannabis is an annual.
arc tube: container for luminous gases; houses the arc in an HID lamp
asexual propagation: reproducing using non-sexual means such as taking cuttings from a parent plant: will produce exact genetic replicas of the parent plant
auxin: classification of plant hormones: Auxins are responsible for foliage and root elongation.
bacteria: very small, one-celled plants that have no chlorophyll
bag seed: the common term given seed of unknown origin that was found in a bag of cannabis
ballast: a stabilizing unit that regulates the flow of electricity and starts an HID lamp: A ballast consists of a transformer and a capacitor.
beneficial insect: a good insect that eats bad, marijuana-munching insects
biodegradable: to decompose through natural bacterial action. Substances made of organic matter can be broken down naturally.
biosynthesis: the production of a chemical compound by a plant
bleach: household laundry bleach is used in a mild water solution to sterilize grow rooms and as soil fungicide
blood meal: high-nitrogen organic fertilizer made from dried blood: Dogs love blood meal!
bloom: to yield flowers
blossom booster: fertilizer high in phosphorus and potassium that increases flower yield and weight
bonsai: a very short or dwarfed plant
bract: small spur-like foliage that grows from the stem at the point from which flowers emerge
breaker box: electrical circuit box having on/off switches rather than fuses: The main breaker box is also called a “service panel.”
breed: to sexually propagate cannabis under controlled circumstances
bud: 1. a small, undeveloped stem or shoot. 2. a collection of (flowering) calyxes on a branch
bud blight:: a withering condition that attacks flower buds
buffer: a substance that reduces the shock and cushions against fluctuations: Many fertilizers contain buffer agents.
bulb: outer glass envelope or jacket that protects the arc tube of an HID lamp
bulbous trichome: ball-shaped, resin-producing plant hair without a stalk
callus: tissue made of undifferentiated cells produced by rooting hormones on plant cuttings
calyx: the pod harboring male or female cannabis reproductive organs
cambium: layer of cells which divides and differentiates into xylem and phloem and is responsible for growth
Cannabaceae: scientific family to which Cannabis (marijuana) and Humulus (hops) belong
cannabinoid: a hydrocarbon unique to cannabis
cannabinoid profile: proportional ratio and levels of major cannabinoids found in cannabis being tested
Cannabis: scientific name for marijuana specifying genus
capitate stalked trichome: resin-producing plant hair without a stalk, high in THC content
carbohydrate: neutral compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, mostly formed by green plants: Sugar, starch, and cellulose are carbohydrates.
carbon dioxide (CO 2 ): a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas in the air; necessary for plant life
caustic: a substance that destroys, kills, or eats away by chemical activity
CBD: cannabidiol: CBD usually prolongs the high.
CBC: cannabichromene: second most abundant cannabinoid in drug-type cannabis
CBDV: cannabidiverol
CBC: cannabigerol
CBN: cannabinol
CBNV: cannabiverol
CBT: cannabitriol
CCY: cannabicyclol
Outdoor Plant
Indoor Plant
cell: the base structural unit of plants: cells contain a nucleus, membrane, and chloroplasts
cellulose: a complex carbohydrate that stiffens a plant: Outdoor stems contain more stiff cellulose than plants grown indoors.
centigrade: a scale for measuring temperature where 100 degrees is the boiling point of water, and 0 degrees is the freezing point of water
cfm: cubic feet per minute; measures air velocity. Ventilation or
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