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Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible

Titel: Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jorge Cervantes
Vom Netzwerk:
    dioecy: a condition where separate sexes occur on separate individuals; each plant displays a single gender
    dioecious: a population consisting of gynoecious and androecious plants
    disease: sickness of any kind
    dose: amount of fertilizer, insecticide, etc., given to a plant, usually in a water solution
    double potting: a two-pot transplanting technique that minimizes root disturbance
    drainage: to empty soil of excess water. Good drainage: water passes through soil, evenly promoting plant growth. Bad drainage: drainage water stands in soil, actually drowning roots.
    drip (irrigation) system: efficient watering system that employs a main hose with small water emitters (tiny holes) which meter out water one drop at a time at regular, frequent intervals
    drip line: a line around a plant directly under its outermost branch tips: Roots seldom grow beyond the drip line.
    dry ice: cold, white, solid substance formed when CO 2 is compressed and cooled: Dry ice changes into CO 2 gas at room temperatures.

The drip line.
    dry soil pocket: small portion of soil that remains dry after watering: Dry soil pockets may be remedied by adding a wetting agent (soap) to water and/or waiting 15 minutes between waterings.
    dry well: drain hole filled with rocks, to receive drainage water
    electrode: a solid electric conductor used to establish electrical arc between contacts at either end of an HID lamp
    elongate: to grow in length: Cannabis stretches from three inches to a foot when flowering is induced.
    embolism: bubble of air in the transpiration stream of a cutting; blocks uptake of water and nutrients
    emit: to give off, send out (as light or sound, etc.)
    embryo: a young plant, developing within the seed: In cannabis, an embryo is derived from a fertilized ovule.
    Encarsia formosa: a parasitic wasp that preys on whiteflies
    envelope: outer protective bulb or jacket of a lamp
    Epsom salts: hydrated magnesium sulfate in the form of white crystalline salt: Epsom salts add magnesium to soil.
    equinox: when sun crosses the equator and day and night are each 12 hours long: The equinox happens twice a year.
    essential oils: volatile oils that give plants their characteristic odor or flavor; contained in the secreted resins of plants
    ethane methyl sulfonate: a mutagenic chemical that causes changes at the DNA level; induces genetic mutations
    etiolation: growth of a plant in total darkness to increase the chances of root initiation

    F1: first filial generation, the offspring of two P1 (parent) plants
    F1 hybrid: heterozygous first filial generation
    F2: second filial generation, resulting from a cross between two F1 plants
    fan leaves: large, fan-like marijuana leaves: Fan leaves are usually low in potency.
    female: pistillate, ovule, seed producing
    fertilize: 1. to apply fertilizer (nutrients) to roots and foliage 2. to impregnate (unite) male pollen with female plant ovary
    fertilizer burn: overfertilization; first, leaf tips burn (turn brown), then leaves curl
    FIM pruning: acronym for “Fuck, I missed!” pruning method. See page 64 for more information.
    flat: a shallow container used to start seedlings or clones
    flower: blossom, a mass of calyxes on a stem, top, or bud

Flat of clones.
    foliage: the leaves, or more generally, the green part of a plant
    foliar feed: misting fertilizer solution, which is absorbed by the foliage
    foot-candle (fc): one fc is equal to the amount of light that falls on one square foot of surface located one foot away from one candle
    fritted: to fuse or embed nutrients with a glass compound: Fritted Trace Elements (FTE) are long lasting and do not easily leach out of substrate.
    fungicide: product that destroys or inhibits fungus
    fungistat: product that inhibits fungus
    fungus: a lower plant (lacking chlorophyll) that may attack green plants: Mold, rust, mildew, mushrooms, and bacteria are fungi.
    fuse: an electrical safety device made of a metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when overloaded
    fuse box: electrical circuit box containing circuits controlled by fuses
    ganja: slang term for cannabis, from the Indian (Hindustani) word for marijuana
    gametes: a reproductive cell specialized for fertilization, having the haploid number of chromosomes: a mature pollen grain or ovule capable of fusing with a gamete of the opposite sex to produce the embryo
    gene: part of a chromosome that influences the development and the potency of a plant: Genes are inherited through sexual

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