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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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the carriage . . .
    "Oh my. " Putting a hand to the back of her head, she winced. The swelling there was as big as a fowl's egg.
    "At least you didn 't cut your scalp," a soft and vaguely familiar voice said from behind the couch where she lay. Isabella sat up, then held her head in her hands as the room began to spin.
    "Steady now, you had a nasty bump on the head. Take it easy," the voice drawled.
    Isabella did as ordered, then turned slowly to face the woman. How strange. Surely this was Selena Drake. Peering more closely at the beautiful woman above her, she saw she was right. She looked about. Was this the house of the woman who'd been Tiger's mistress? And if it was, what was she doing here?
    "What am I doing here?" She put her thought into words as she managed to finally put her feet to the floor.
    Wrapped in a flimsy pink house gown that fell in soft folds over her voluptuous figure the woman drifted over to stand in front of Isabella. "Here, drink this, it will make you feel better." She offered a fine china teacup.
    "Thank you . . . I don't understand." Isabella sipped at the hot liquid, the saucer clutched between fingers that shook slightly.
    "A good friend of mine, Lieutenant Gareth Moreton, happened to be a passenger in the carriage you ran into, my dear. Fortunately for you he's a gentleman. As he was handy to my house he brought you here. I dread to think what fate may have befallen you if you'd ended up in the hands of one of the rogues who plague the streets after dark. What in God's name were you doing out at this time of night on your own . . . Isabella, isn't it?"
    "Yes, it is. I was . . . going to a friend. How did you know my name?"
    "Oh my dear, you 've been the talk of the town since you went to the ball on the renowned Tiger's arm." Sitting next to Isabella she arched her perfect brows. "A friend? After dark? In this town? Come now, only an idiot would risk their life like that. And something tells me you are no fool, Isabella."
    "Call me Bella, everyone does. No, you're right. I may as well tell you the truth. I couldn't stay in his house any more. I'd rather not say why. But I had to leave, and I had to do it when I couldn't be followed. I'm still his servant, owned by him, an' he will follow me, I know. Even though I'm the last person he wants in his home." Isabella tried not to let her despair show.
    "Why on earth would you think that?" Selena leant nearer, obviously puzzled.
    "I don't want to talk about it, Selena." Isabella took a mouthful of the tea. "May I call you that?"
    "Of course." Selena shrugged her exquisite shoulders. "I don 't have very loving thoughts where Tiger Carstairs is concerned. If you say you have no wish to return to him, I can understand that, and let me say my sympathies are with you. The only problem now is the authorities." Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "They'll be after you once he's reported you've absconded. Gareth won't say you're here. He's reliable. You can stay here with me until you decide what you want to do."
    "Thank you . I'd be very grateful." Isabella nibbled at her bottom lip. "But I won't be able to repay you. I can't get paid work. I was going to apply for a transfer to a new owner. My friend Gracie is working for an official. I was hoping her master would put in a good word for me to get me a job in his kitchen. I'd sooner go to the female factory than go back to Tiger."
    Selena recoiled in shock. "You have no idea what you 're talking about. The dregs live and work down there. You'd soon lose all self-respect and end up no better than the whores who populate it. No, my dear, a sensible woman uses her head as well as her body. Do you like my house?" She glanced about the room.
    "It 's lovely." Bella looked about, taking in the polished dining table and four padded chairs, the dresser stocked with fine bone china, the tall clock in the corner, the chaise they were sitting on. It was a finely furnished room. Candles in ornate holders sent a soft glow over everything. Isabella had never seen a more fetching place in her life, apart from the Governor's residence. Quickly she stifled that thought; she would never think of that magical night again.
    "I own all this. There aren 't many women in the colony who can boast that. All right, so the wives and their daughters may snub me and look down their refined noses at me. But I don't have to take orders from any man. I do as I please, take lovers as I fancy. These pasty-faced matrons and the sallow

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