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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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shouted, standing in the stirrups and peering at the trees along the side of the path. "There's snakes in there, and spiders that'll kill you. Better to come out and face me than them."
    "I 'd as soon face a snake as you!"
    Tiger grinned humorlessly, patting Satan's neck. "At least come out and explain why you ran away from me. You owe me that much."
    "I owe you nothing. "
    Tiger moved Satan stealthily towards the sound of her voice. "You think not? I treated you well, Bella. Never made you think you were a servant. Wasn 't that enough?"
    "Enough? " she snorted. "You treated me like a whore, Tiger Carstairs. Now, leave me alone, will you?"
    "Never. Now, get out here and come home," he ordered, by now behind her. A twig cracked beneath Satan's hoof, and she turned, a hand to her mouth, then began to run.
    "Stop," Tiger shouted, but she raced headlong into the night. "Christ, let 's get her, boy." He dug his heels into the horse's sides and Satan followed the track she'd taken. When he drew alongside her she swerved and headed off in another direction, the branches catching at her skirt and hair. By the time Tiger was close enough to lean down and catch her about the waist her hair was streaming about her shoulders.
    "Let me go," she yelled, thumping at his thigh, the only place she could reach as he hauled her up and in front of him on the saddle. "I don 't want to go anywhere with you. I hate you."
    "Hate all you like. But you 'll come back where you belong. If you had any idea of the pain and anguish you've brought on those who care for you you'd die of shame." He urged Satan into a slow canter and held her secured about the waist, pinned against his chest.
    "I 'm sorry for hurting Dougal and Thelma, but it couldn't be helped."
    "Dougal and Thelma, eh?" Tiger growled. "What about me?"
    "You? Are you saying you cared for me? You care more for Satan here than for any woman."
    "Don 't go too far," he snarled. "God, but you would try the patience of a saint." But even as he said the words he could sympathize with her. He pulled Satan back into a trot. "Look, about that night, Bella, I should explain…"
    "What night would that be?" She glared at him over her shoulder. "I recollect no night any more spectacular than the others in my life. If you're worried about any silly romantic words I may have uttered, why, they were just words I thought you wished to hear. Now, would you turn Satan about and take me to Selena 's house please. I am happy living with her."
    "Like hell I will. I'll see you sent to the penitentiary first. You belong with me, Bella, and there you'll stay. Don't fret; your term will be up sooner than you think, then you'll be your own woman and free to whore for the whole of the King's regiment if you so desire. Until then, you stay under my roof. Is that clear?"
    She remained silent. Tiger had no idea what went on in her mind. God, had he ever had any idea how the minds of women worked? She felt so soft and feminine in his arms, and she smelt like a posy of spring flowers. Against his will his body reacted. She shifted forward as far as he would allow, her whole body stiffening.
    "You're a very lovely women, especially now you've learnt how to bring out all your finer points with dear Selena's help," he said. "Can you blame me for desiring you?"
    Her only response was a snort.
    They rode in uncomfortable silence for a while, then he said, "So, your tormentor has followed you here."
    Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. " 'Tis no matter. It appears all men see me as a whore. I would have been better by far if I'd given him his way and become his harlot in England, then at least I would have been spared the humiliation of being labeled Tiger Carstairs' property. Or perhaps I should have hacked his cock off as I intended and met the hangman's noose."
    The desolation in her voice touched Tiger somewhere deep inside. Dear Lord, if only he could turn back time. But would he have done things differently? 'Twas doubtful. He was no different from the other besotted fools.
    When they reached the garden gate in front of his house, Tiger leant closer and said in her ear, "Run away again, Bella, and I'll bring you back and put ankle chains on you, is that clear? I have the right, you know." He lied; he would no more shackle her than he would cut his own throat, but he must threaten her in some way to keep her here. "Do you give me your word that you'll stay put now?"
    "My word? " she scoffed, sliding down Satan's side

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